Commit eed2fedf by Wes Freeman

Merge pull request #37 from JacobGH111/master

PR for Jacob's variety
parents 8ac865d4 1927a515
......@@ -63,17 +63,7 @@ print("Using maxDepth of " + maxDepth);
if (typeof sort === "undefined") { var sort = {_id: -1}; }
print("Using sort of " + tojson(sort));
varietyCanHaveChildren = function (v) {
var isArray = v &&
typeof v === 'object' &&
typeof v.length === 'number' &&
var isObject = typeof v === 'object';
var specialObject = v instanceof Date ||
v instanceof ObjectId ||
v instanceof BinData;
return !specialObject && (isArray || isObject);
varietyTypeOf = function(thing) {
if (typeof thing === "undefined") { throw "varietyTypeOf() requires an argument"; }
......@@ -112,96 +102,76 @@ varietyTypeOf = function(thing) {
var addTypeToArray = function(arr, value) {
var t = varietyTypeOf(value);
var found = false;
for(var i=0; i< arr.length; i++) {
if(arr[i] === t) {
found = true;
if(!found) {
var addRecordResult = function(key, value, result) {
cur = result[key];
if(!cur) {
result[key] = {"_id":{"key":key},"value": {"type": varietyTypeOf(value)}, totalOccurrences:1};
} else {
var type = varietyTypeOf(value);
if(cur.value.type !== type) {
cur.value.types = [cur.value.type];
delete cur.value.type;
addTypeToArray(cur.value.types, type);
} else if(!cur.value.type) {
addTypeToArray(cur.value.types, type);
result[key] = cur;
var mapRecursive = function(parentKey, obj, level, result) {
for (var key in obj) {
if(obj.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
var value = obj[key];
key = (parentKey + "." + key).replace(/\.\d+/g,'.XX');
addRecordResult(key, value, result);
if (level < maxDepth - 1 && varietyCanHaveChildren(value)) {
mapRecursive(key, value, level + 1, result);
// store results here (no map reduce limit!)
var varietyResults = {};
//flattens object keys to 1D. i.e. {'key1':1,{'key2':{'key3':2}}} becomes {'key1':1,'key2.key3':2}
//we assume no '.' characters in the keys, which is an OK assumption for MongoDB
function serializeDoc(doc, maxDepth){
var result = {};
//determining if an object is a Hash vs Array vs something else is hard
function isHash(v) {
var isArray = Array.isArray(v);
var isObject = typeof v === 'object';
var specialObject = v instanceof Date ||
v instanceof ObjectId ||
v instanceof BinData;
return !specialObject && !isArray && isObject;
function serialize(document, parentKey, maxDepth){
for(var key in document){
//skip over inherited properties such as string, length, etch
var value = document[key];
//objects are skipped here and recursed into later
//if(typeof value != "object")
result[parentKey+key] = value;
//it's an object, recurse...only if we haven't reached max depth
if(isHash(value) && (maxDepth > 0)){
serialize(value, parentKey+key+".",maxDepth-1);
serialize(doc, "", maxDepth)
return result
var addVarietyResults = function(result) {
for(var key in result) {
if(result.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
cur = varietyResults[key];
var value = result[key];
if(!cur) {
varietyResults[key] = value;
} else {
if(value.type && value.type === cur.value.type) {
} else {
for(var type in value.types) {
if(cur.value.type !== type) {
cur.value.types = [cur.value.type];
delete cur.value.type;
addTypeToArray(cur.value.types, type);
} else if(!cur.value.type) {
addTypeToArray(cur.value.types, type);
varietyResults[key] = cur;
var interimResults = {} //hold results here until converted to final format
// main cursor
db[collection].find(query).sort(sort).limit(limit).forEach(function(obj) {
var recordResult = {};
for (var key in obj) {
if(obj.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
var value = obj[key];
addRecordResult(key, value, recordResult);
if (maxDepth > 1 && varietyCanHaveChildren(value)) {
mapRecursive(key, value, 1, recordResult);
flattened = serializeDoc(obj, maxDepth);
for (key in flattened){
var value = flattened[key];
var valueType = varietyTypeOf(value);
if(!(key in interimResults)){ //if it's a new key we haven't seen yet
//for the moment, store 'types' as a dictionary. An easy way to prevent duplicates
var newEntry = {'types':{},'totalOccurrences':1};
newEntry['types'][valueType] = true;
interimResults[key] = newEntry;
else{ //we've seen this key before
interimResults[key]['types'][valueType] = true;
var varietyResults = {};
//now convert the interimResults into the proper format
for(key in interimResults){
var entry = interimResults[key];
var newEntry = {};
newEntry['_id'] = {'key':key};
newEntry['value'] = {'types':Object.keys(entry['types'])};
newEntry['totalOccurrences'] = entry['totalOccurrences'];
newEntry['percentContaining'] = entry['totalOccurrences']*100/limit;
varietyResults[key] = newEntry;
var resultsDB = db.getMongo().getDB("varietyResults");
var resultsCollectionName = collection + "Keys";
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