Commit 2f4d8151 by Tomas Dvorak Committed by GitHub

Merge pull request #128 from magicfive/readme-example-modification

readme example modification
parents 569701db 8a49c0cd
......@@ -34,8 +34,8 @@ So, let's see what we've got here:
| _id | ObjectId | 5 | 100.0 |
| name | String | 5 | 100.0 |
| bio | String | 3 | 60.0 |
| birthday | String | 2 | 40.0 |
| pets | Array(4),String(1) | 5 | 40.0 |
| birthday | Date | 2 | 40.0 |
| pets | Array(1),String(1) | 2 | 40.0 |
| someBinData | BinData-old | 1 | 20.0 |
| someWeirdLegacyKey | String | 1 | 20.0 |
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