Unverified Commit 6733b09b by Johannes vom Dorp Committed by GitHub

Merge pull request #2 from fkie-cad/add_safe_rglob

Add safe rglob
parents aa2fc1e5 fb1eb4f3
# general things to ignore
from .fail_safe_file_operations import get_binary_from_file, get_string_list_from_file, write_binary_to_file, get_safe_name, delete_file, get_files_in_dir, get_dirs_in_dir, create_symlink, get_dir_of_file
from .fail_safe_file_operations import (
get_binary_from_file, get_string_list_from_file, write_binary_to_file, get_safe_name, delete_file, get_files_in_dir,
get_dirs_in_dir, create_symlink, get_dir_of_file, safe_rglob
from .file_functions import read_in_chunks, get_directory_for_filename, create_dir_for_file, human_readable_file_size
from .git_functions import get_version_string_from_git
__all__ = [
......@@ -2,6 +2,8 @@ import logging
import os
import re
import sys
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Iterable
from .file_functions import create_dir_for_file
......@@ -194,8 +196,8 @@ def get_dir_of_file(file_path):
Returns absolute path of the directory including file
:param file_path: Paht of the file
:type: paht-like object
:param file_path: Path of the file
:type: path-like object
:return: string
......@@ -203,3 +205,33 @@ def get_dir_of_file(file_path):
except Exception as e:
logging.error('Could not get directory path: {} {}'.format(sys.exc_info()[0].__name__, e))
return '/'
def safe_rglob(path: Path, include_symlinks: bool = True, include_directories: bool = True) -> Iterable[Path]:
alternative to pathlib.rglob which tries to follow symlinks and crashes if it encounters certain broken ones
if not path.is_symlink() and path.is_dir():
for child_path in path.iterdir():
yield from _iterate_path_recursively(child_path, include_symlinks, include_directories)
yield from []
def _iterate_path_recursively(path: Path, include_symlinks: bool = True, include_directories: bool = True):
if path.is_symlink():
if include_symlinks and (path.is_file() or path.is_dir()):
yield path
elif path.is_file():
yield path
elif path.is_dir():
if include_directories:
yield path
for child_path in path.iterdir():
yield from _iterate_path_recursively(child_path, include_symlinks, include_directories)
except PermissionError:
logging.error('Permission Error: could not access path {path}'.format(path=path.absolute()))
except OSError:
logging.warning('possible broken symlink: {path}'.format(path=path.absolute()))
yield from []
from setuptools import setup, find_packages
VERSION = '0.2.1'
VERSION = '0.2.2'
\ No newline at end of file
\ No newline at end of file
\ No newline at end of file
import os
from tempfile import TemporaryDirectory
import unittest
from pathlib import Path
from tempfile import TemporaryDirectory
import pytest
from common_helper_files import get_binary_from_file, \
write_binary_to_file, delete_file, get_safe_name, \
get_files_in_dir, get_string_list_from_file, \
get_dirs_in_dir, get_directory_for_filename, \
create_symlink, get_dir_of_file
from common_helper_files.fail_safe_file_operations import _get_counted_file_path,\
from common_helper_files import (
create_symlink, delete_file, get_safe_name, get_binary_from_file, get_dir_of_file, get_directory_for_filename,
get_dirs_in_dir, get_files_in_dir, get_string_list_from_file, safe_rglob, write_binary_to_file
from common_helper_files.fail_safe_file_operations import _get_counted_file_path, _rm_cr
class Test_FailSafeFileOperations(unittest.TestCase):
EMPTY_FOLDER = Path(get_directory_for_filename(__file__)).parent / 'tests' / 'data' / 'empty_folder'
class TestFailSafeFileOperations(unittest.TestCase):
def setUp(self):
self.tmp_dir = TemporaryDirectory(prefix="test_common_helper_file")
......@@ -49,7 +53,7 @@ class Test_FailSafeFileOperations(unittest.TestCase):
read_binary = get_binary_from_file(file_path)
self.assertEqual(read_binary, b'this is a test', "written data not correct")
# Test not overwrite flag
write_binary_to_file(b'do not overwirte', file_path, overwrite=False)
write_binary_to_file(b'do not overwrite', file_path, overwrite=False)
read_binary = get_binary_from_file(file_path)
self.assertEqual(read_binary, b'this is a test', "written data not correct")
# Test overwrite flag
......@@ -100,8 +104,7 @@ class Test_FailSafeFileOperations(unittest.TestCase):
result = get_files_in_dir(test_dir_path)
self.assertIn(os.path.join(test_dir_path, "read_test"), result, "file in root folder not found")
self.assertIn(os.path.join(test_dir_path, "test_folder/generic_test_file"), result, "file in sub folder not found")
self.assertEqual(len(result), 4, "number of found files not correct")
self.assertEqual(len(result), 6, "number of found files not correct")
def test_get_files_in_dir_error(self):
result = get_files_in_dir("/none_existing/dir")
......@@ -130,6 +133,31 @@ class Test_FailSafeFileOperations(unittest.TestCase):
self.assertEqual(absolute_file_path_result, self.tmp_dir.name)
@pytest.mark.parametrize('symlinks, directories, expected_number', [
(True, True, 7),
(False, True, 5),
(True, False, 5),
(False, False, 3),
def test_safe_rglob(symlinks, directories, expected_number):
test_dir_path = Path(TestFailSafeFileOperations.get_directory_of_current_file()).parent / 'tests' / 'data'
result = list(safe_rglob(test_dir_path, include_symlinks=symlinks, include_directories=directories))
assert len(result) == expected_number
def test_safe_rglob_invalid_path():
test_path = Path('foo', 'bar')
assert not test_path.exists()
result = safe_rglob(test_path)
assert len(list(result)) == 0
def test_safe_rglob_empty_dir():
assert EMPTY_FOLDER.exists()
result = safe_rglob(EMPTY_FOLDER)
assert len(list(result)) == 0
@pytest.mark.parametrize('input_data, expected', [
('abc', 'abc'),
('ab\r\nc', 'ab\nc')])
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