Commit f7211798 by devttys0

Fixed python3 bugs; updated Plotter3D weighting code; added --2D option.

parent 570e5a12
......@@ -78,8 +78,9 @@ def main():
matryoshka = 1
block_size = 0
failed_open_count = 0
weight = None
max_points = None
max_extract_size = None
do_2d = False
quiet = False
do_comp = False
do_files = False
......@@ -157,6 +158,10 @@ def main():
show_grids = True
elif opt in ("-3", "--3D", "--3d"):
do_2d = False
elif opt in ("-2", "--2D", "--2d"):
do_2d = True
elif opt in ("-E", "--entropy"):
elif opt in ("-W", "--diff"):
......@@ -179,8 +184,8 @@ def main():
elif opt in ("-O", "--skip-unopened"):
ignore_failed_open = True
elif opt in ("-Z", "--weight"):
weight = binwalk.common.str2int(arg)
elif opt in ("-Z", "--max-points"):
max_points = binwalk.common.str2int(arg)
elif opt in ("-o", "--offset"):
offset = binwalk.common.str2int(arg)
elif opt in ("-l", "--length"):
......@@ -468,8 +473,11 @@ def main():
elif scan_type == binwalk.Binwalk.BINVIS:
# Always enable verbose mode; generating the plot can take some time for large files,
# and without verbose mode enabled it looks like binwalk is just sitting there doing nothing.
bwalk.plot3d(target_files, offset=offset, length=length, weight=weight, show_grids=show_grids, verbose=True)
# and without verbose mode enabled it looks like binwalk is just sitting there doing nothing.
if do_2d:
bwalk.plot2d(target_files, offset=offset, length=length, max_points=max_points, show_grids=show_grids, verbose=True)
bwalk.plot3d(target_files, offset=offset, length=length, max_points=max_points, show_grids=show_grids, verbose=True)
elif scan_type == binwalk.Binwalk.ENTROPY:
......@@ -290,14 +290,14 @@ class Binwalk(object):
return data
def plot3d(self, target_files, offset=0, length=0, weight=None, show_grids=False, verbose=False):
def plot3d(self, target_files, offset=0, length=0, max_points=None, show_grids=False, verbose=False):
Generates a 3D data plot of the specified target files.
@target_files - File or list of files to scan.
@offset - Starting offset at which to start the scan.
@length - Number of bytes to scan. Specify 0 to scan the entire file(s).
@weight - A data point must occur at least this many times before being plotted (default: auto-detect).
@max_points - Set the maximum number of data points to plot.
@show_grids - Set to True to show axis grids in the 3D plot.
@verbose - Set to True to enable verbose output.
......@@ -306,7 +306,25 @@ class Binwalk(object):
if not isinstance(target_files, type([])):
target_files = [target_files]
Plotter3D(target_files, offset=offset, length=length, weight=weight, show_grids=show_grids, verbose=verbose).plot()
Plotter3D(target_files, offset=offset, length=length, max_points=max_points, show_grids=show_grids, verbose=verbose).plot()
def plot2d(self, target_files, offset=0, length=0, max_points=None, show_grids=False, verbose=False):
Generates a 2D data plot of the specified target files.
@target_files - File or list of files to scan.
@offset - Starting offset at which to start the scan.
@length - Number of bytes to scan. Specify 0 to scan the entire file(s).
@max_points - Set the maximum number of data points to plot.
@show_grids - Set to True to show axis grids in the 3D plot.
@verbose - Set to True to enable verbose output.
Returns None.
if not isinstance(target_files, type([])):
target_files = [target_files]
Plotter2D(target_files, offset=offset, length=length, max_points=max_points, show_grids=show_grids, verbose=verbose).plot()
def scan(self, target_files, offset=0, length=0, show_invalid_results=False, callback=None, start_callback=None, end_callback=None, base_dir=None, matryoshka=1, plugins_whitelist=[], plugins_blacklist=[]):
......@@ -5,8 +5,9 @@ import os
import sys
import binwalk.config
short_options = "3AaBbCcdEeGHhIiJkLMNnOPpQqrSTtUuVvWwz?D:F:f:g:j:K:o:l:m:R:s:X:x:Y:y:Z:"
short_options = "23AaBbCcdEeGHhIiJkLMNnOPpQqrSTtUuVvWwz?D:F:f:g:j:K:o:l:m:R:s:X:x:Y:y:Z:"
long_options = [
......@@ -45,7 +46,7 @@ long_options = [
......@@ -110,7 +111,8 @@ def usage(fd):
fd.write("Binary Visualization:\n")
fd.write("\t-3, --3D Generate a 3D binary visualization\n")
fd.write("\t-Z, --weight Manually set the cutoff weight (lower weight, more data points)\n")
fd.write("\t-2, --2D Project data points onto 3D cube walls only\n")
fd.write("\t-Z, --max-points Set the maximum number of plotted data points (defulat: %d)\n" % binwalk.plotter.Plotter.MAX_PLOT_POINTS)
fd.write("\t-V, --show-grids Display the x-y-z grids in the resulting plot\n")
......@@ -183,7 +183,7 @@ class HashMatch(object):
return self.lib.fuzzy_compare(hash1, hash2)
except Exception as e:
print "WARNING: Exception while doing fuzzy hash:", e
print ("WARNING: Exception while doing fuzzy hash: %s" % e)
return None
......@@ -348,7 +348,7 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
import sys
hmatch = HashMatch(strings=True, name=False, types={True:"^elf"})
print hmatch.file(sys.argv[1], sys.argv[2:])
print (hmatch.file(sys.argv[1], sys.argv[2:]))
#for (match, fname) in hmatch.directories(sys.argv[1], sys.argv[2]):
#for (match, fname) in hmatch.find_file(sys.argv[1], sys.argv[2:]):
# print match, fname
......@@ -3,20 +3,41 @@ from binwalk.compat import *
from binwalk.common import BlockFile
class Plotter(object):
Base class for plotting binaries in Qt.
Other plotter classes are derived from this.
def __init__(self, files, offset=0, length=0, max_points=MAX_PLOT_POINTS, show_grids=False, verbose=False):
Class constructor.
def __init__(self, files, offset=0, length=0, weight=None, show_grids=False, verbose=False):
@files - A list of files to plot in the graph.
@offset - The starting offset for each file.
@length - The number of bytes to analyze from each file.
@max_points - The maximum number of data points to display.
@show_grids - Set to True to display x-y-z grids.
@verbse - Set to False to disable verbose print statements.
Returns None.
import pyqtgraph.opengl as gl
from pyqtgraph.Qt import QtGui
self.verbose = verbose
self.show_grids = show_grids
self.files = files
self.weight = weight
self.offset = offset
self.length = length
if not max_points:
self.max_points = self.MAX_PLOT_POINTS
self.max_points = max_points = QtGui.QApplication([])
self.window = gl.GLViewWidget()
......@@ -26,55 +47,92 @@ class Plotter(object):
def _print(self, message):
Print console messages. For internal use only.
if self.verbose:
print (message)
def _generate_plot_points(self, data_points, data_weights):
plot_points = set()
max_plot_points = (24 * 1024)
def _generate_plot_points(self, data_points):
Generates plot points from a list of data points.
@data_points - A dictionary containing each unique point and its frequency of occurance.
Returns a set of plot points.
total = 0
min_weight = 0
weightings = {}
plot_points = {}
# If the number of data points exceeds the maximum number of allowed data points, use a
# weighting system to eliminate data points that occur less freqently.
if sum(data_points.itervalues()) > self.max_points:
# First, generate a set of weight values 1 - 10
for i in range(1, 11):
weightings[i] = 0
# Go through every data point and how many times that point occurs
for (point, count) in iterator(data_points):
# For each data point, compare it to each remaining weight value
for w in get_keys(weightings):
# If the number of times this data point occurred is >= the weight value,
# then increment the weight value. Since weight values are ordered lowest
# to highest, this means that more frequent data points also increment lower
# weight values. Thus, the more high-frequency data points there are, the
# more lower-frequency data points are eliminated.
if count >= w:
weightings[w] += 1
if self.weight:
weight = self.weight
self._print("Calculating weight...")
# Throw out weight values that exceed the maximum number of data points
if weightings[w] > self.max_points:
del weightings[w]
weight = 1
# If there's only one weight value left, no sense in continuing the loop...
if len(weightings) == 1:
if len(data_points) > max_plot_points:
weightings = {}
# The least weighted value is our minimum weight
min_weight = min(weightings)
for i in range(1, 11):
weightings[i] = 0
# Get rid of all data points that occur less frequently than our minimum weight
for point in get_keys(data_points):
if data_points[point] < min_weight:
del data_points[point]
for point in data_points:
for w in get_keys(weightings):
if data_weights[point] >= w:
weightings[w] += 1
for point in sorted(data_points, key=data_points.get, reverse=True):
plot_points[point] = data_points[point]
total += 1
if total >= self.max_points:
if weightings[w] > max_plot_points:
del weightings[w]
if len(weightings) <= 1:
if weightings:
weight = min(weightings)
self._print("Weight: %d" % weight)
for point in data_points:
if data_weights[point] >= weight:
return plot_points
def _generate_data_point(self, data):
Subclasses must override this to return the appropriate data point.
@data - A string of data self.DIMENSIONS in length.
Returns a data point tuple.
return (0,0,0)
def _generate_data_points(self, file_name):
Generates a dictionary of data points and their frequency of occurrance.
@file_name - The file to generate data points from.
Returns a dictionary.
i = 0
data_weights = {}
data_points = set()
data_points = {}
self._print("Generating data points for %s" % file_name)
......@@ -89,40 +147,44 @@ class Plotter(object):
i = 0
while (i+(self.DIMENSIONS-1)) < dlen:
point = self._generate_data_point(data[i:i+self.DIMENSIONS])
if point in data_points:
data_weights[point] += 1
if has_key(data_points, point):
data_points[point] += 1
data_weights[point] = 1
data_points[point] = 1
i += 3
return (data_points, data_weights)
return data_points
def _generate_plot(self, plot_points, point_weights):
def _generate_plot(self, plot_points):
import numpy as np
import pyqtgraph.opengl as gl
nitems = len(plot_points)
nitems = float(len(plot_points))
pos = np.empty((nitems, 3))
size = np.empty((nitems))
color = np.empty((nitems, 4))
i = 0
for point in plot_points:
for (point, weight) in iterator(plot_points):
r = 0.0
g = 0.0
b = 0.0
pos[i] = point
size[i] = .05
frequency_percentage = (weight / nitems)
if point_weights[point] > 15:
# Give points that occur more frequently a brighter color and larger point size.
# Frequency is determined as a percentage of total unique data points.
if frequency_percentage > .005:
size[i] = .20
r = 1.0
elif point_weights[point] > 5:
elif frequency_percentage > .002:
size[i] = .10
g = 1.0
r = 1.0
size[i] = .05
g = 1.0
color[i] = (r, g, b, 1.0)
......@@ -158,15 +220,16 @@ class Plotter(object):
zgrid.scale(12.8, 12.8, 12.8)
for file_name in self.files:
(data_points, data_weights) = self._generate_data_points(file_name)
data_points = self._generate_data_points(file_name)
self._print("Generating plot points from %d data points" % len(data_points))
plot_points = self._generate_plot_points(data_points, data_weights)
plot_points = self._generate_plot_points(data_points)
del data_points
self._print("Generating graph from %d plot points" % len(plot_points))
self.window.addItem(self._generate_plot(plot_points, data_weights))
if wait:
......@@ -180,7 +243,9 @@ class Plotter(object):
class Plotter3D(Plotter):
Plot data points within a 3D cube.
def _generate_data_point(self, data):
......@@ -188,15 +253,16 @@ class Plotter3D(Plotter):
class Plotter2D(Plotter):
This is of questionable use.
Plot data points projected on each cube face.
plane_count = -1
def _generate_data_point(self, data):
self.plane_count += 1
if self.plane_count > 2:
if self.plane_count > 5:
self.plane_count = 0
if self.plane_count == 0:
......@@ -205,6 +271,12 @@ class Plotter2D(Plotter):
return (ord(data[0]), 0, ord(data[1]))
elif self.plane_count == 2:
return (ord(data[0]), ord(data[1]), 0)
elif self.plane_count == 3:
return (255, ord(data[0]), ord(data[1]))
elif self.plane_count == 4:
return (ord(data[0]), 255, ord(data[1]))
elif self.plane_count == 5:
return (ord(data[0]), ord(data[1]), 255)
if __name__ == '__main__':
import sys
......@@ -214,5 +286,5 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
weight = None
Plotter3D(sys.argv[1:], weight=weight, verbose=True).plot()
Plotter2D(sys.argv[1:], weight=weight, verbose=True).plot()
......@@ -102,6 +102,10 @@ function debian
# Install binwalk/fmk pre-requisites and extraction tools
$SUDO apt-get -y install git build-essential mtd-utils zlib1g-dev liblzma-dev ncompress gzip bzip2 tar arj p7zip p7zip-full openjdk-6-jdk
$SUDO apt-get -y install python-opengl python-qt4 python-qt4-gl python-numpy python-scipy
if [ "$(which python3)" != "" ]
$SUDO apt-get -y install python3-pyqt4 python3-numpy python3-scipy
function redhat
......@@ -109,12 +113,16 @@ function redhat
$SUDO yum groupinstall -y "Development Tools"
$SUDO yum install -y git mtd-utils unrar zlib1g-dev liblzma-dev xz-devel compress gzip bzip2 tar arj p7zip p7zip-full openjdk-6-jdk
$SUDO yum install -y python-opengl python-qt4 python-qt4-gl python-numpy python-scipy
if [ "$(which python3)" != "" ]
$SUDO yum -y install python3-pyqt4 python3-numpy python3-scipy
if [ "$1" == "" ] || [ "$1" == "--sumount" ]
PLATFORM=$(python -c 'import platform; print platform.system().lower()')
DISTRO=$(python -c 'import platform; print platform.linux_distribution()[0].lower()')
PLATFORM=$(python -c 'import platform; print (platform.system().lower())')
DISTRO=$(python -c 'import platform; print (platform.linux_distribution()[0].lower())')
......@@ -185,7 +193,7 @@ then
# Get and build the firmware mod kit
# Install binwalk
$SUDO python install
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