Commit d5907edb by devttys0

Removed -f flag from bzip2 extraction rule, which causes excessive recursion…

Removed -f flag from bzip2 extraction rule, which causes excessive recursion when used with --matryoshka
parent 53f8458b
......@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@
^gzip compressed data:gz:gzip -d -f '%e':0,2
^lzma compressed data:7z:7z e -y '%e':0,1
^xz compressed data:tar:tar xJf '%e'
^bzip2 compressed data:bz2:bzip2 -d -f '%e'
^bzip2 compressed data:bz2:bzip2 -d '%e'
^compress'd data:Z:gzip -d '%e'
^zip archive data:zip:7z x -y '%e' -p '':0,1
^posix tar archive:tar:tar xvf '%e'
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