Commit d1527895 by devttys0

Fixed squashfs mount rule

parent cc419984
......@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@
^cramfs filesystem:cramfs:cramfsswap '%e' '%e.swap' && cramfsck -x '%%cramfs-root%%' '%e.swap'
# Try mounting the file system (this requires root privileges)
^squashfs filesystem:mkdir squashfs-root && mount -t squashfs '%e' squashfs-root
^squashfs filesystem:squashfs:mkdir squashfs-root && mount -t squashfs '%e' squashfs-root
^cramfs filesystem:cramfs:mkdir cramfs-root && mount -t cramfs '%e' cramfs-root
^ext2 filesystem:ext2:mkdir ext2-root && mount -t ext2 '%e' ext2-root
^romfs filesystem:romfs:mkdir romfs-root && mount -t romfs '%e' romfs-root
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