Commit 58446a92 by devttys0

Added support for nested offset expressions

parent 9e0a0c1f
......@@ -93,13 +93,6 @@ class SignatureLine(object):
# value (e.g., '(4.l+16)').
self.offset = parts[0].replace('>', '')
# Check to see if the up-level character ('&') has been specified
if self.offset.startswith('&'):
self.uplevel = True
self.offset = self.offset[1:]
self.uplevel = False
# Check if the offset is an indirect offset
self.is_indirect_offset = self.offset.startswith('(')
......@@ -369,6 +362,8 @@ class Magic(object):
self.printable = re.compile("[ -~]*")
# Regex rule to find format strings
self.fmtstr = re.compile("%[^%]")
# Regex rule to find periods (see self._do_math)
self.period = re.compile("\.")
def _filtered(self, text):
......@@ -417,35 +412,54 @@ class Magic(object):
Returns an integer value that is the result of the evaluated expression.
# Does the expression contain an offset (e.g., "(4.l+12)")?
if '.' in expression:
# Split the offset field into the integer offset and type values (o and t respsectively)
(o, t) = expression.split('.', 1)
o = offset + int(o.split('(', 1)[1], 0)
t = t[0]
if '.' in expression and '(' in expression:
replacements = {}
for period in [match.start() for match in self.period.finditer(expression)]:
# Separate the offset field into the integer offset and type values (o and t respsectively)
s = expression[:period].rfind('(') + 1
o = int(expression[s:period], 0)
t = expression[period+1]
# Re-build just the parsed offset portion of the expression
text = "%s.%c" % (expression[s:period], t)
# Have we already evaluated this offset expression? If so, skip it.
if binwalk.core.common.has_key(replacements, text):
# The offset specified in the expression is relative to the starting offset inside
o += offset
# Read the value from at the specified offset
# Big and little endian byte format
if t in ['b', 'B']:
v = struct.unpack('b', binwalk.core.compat.str2bytes([o:o+1]))[0]
# Little endian short format
elif t == 's':
v = struct.unpack('<h', binwalk.core.compat.str2bytes([o:o+2]))[0]
# Little endian long format
elif t == 'l':
v = struct.unpack('<i', binwalk.core.compat.str2bytes([o:o+4]))[0]
# Big endian short format
elif t == 'S':
v = struct.unpack('>h', binwalk.core.compat.str2bytes([o:o+2]))[0]
# Bit endian long format
elif t == 'L':
v = struct.unpack('>i', binwalk.core.compat.str2bytes([o:o+4]))[0]
# struct.error is thrown if there is not enough bytes in for the specified format type
except struct.error as e:
v = 0
# Keep track of all the recovered values from
replacements[text] = v
# Finally, replace all offset expressions with their corresponding text value
v = expression
for (text, value) in binwalk.core.common.iterator(replacements):
v = v.replace(text, "%d" % value)
# Big and little endian byte format
if t in ['b', 'B']:
v = struct.unpack('b', binwalk.core.compat.str2bytes([o:o+1]))[0]
# Little endian short format
elif t == 's':
v = struct.unpack('<h', binwalk.core.compat.str2bytes([o:o+2]))[0]
# Little endian long format
elif t == 'l':
v = struct.unpack('<i', binwalk.core.compat.str2bytes([o:o+4]))[0]
# Big endian short format
elif t == 'S':
v = struct.unpack('>h', binwalk.core.compat.str2bytes([o:o+2]))[0]
# Bit endian long format
elif t == 'L':
v = struct.unpack('>i', binwalk.core.compat.str2bytes([o:o+4]))[0]
# struct.error is thrown if there is not enough bytes in for the specified format type
except struct.error as e:
v = 0
# Once the value at the specified offset is read from, re-build the expression
# (e.g., "(4.l+12)" might be converted into "(256+12)".
v = "(%d%s" % (v, expression.split(t, 1)[1])
# If no offset, then it's just an evaluatable math expression (e.g., "(32+0x20)")
v = expression
......@@ -481,17 +495,20 @@ class Magic(object):
line_offset = line.offset
# Else, evaluate the complex expression
line_offset = self._do_math(offset, line.offset)
# Format the previous_line_end value into a string. Add the '+' sign to explicitly
# state that this value is to be added to any subsequent values in the expression
# (e.g., '&0' becomes '4+0').
ple = '%d+' % previous_line_end
# Allow users to use either the '&0' (libmagic) or '&+0' (explcit addition) sytaxes;
# replace both with the ple text.
line_offset_text = line.offset.replace('&+', ple).replace('&', ple)
# Evaluate the expression
line_offset = self._do_math(offset, line_offset_text)
# Sanity check
if not isinstance(line_offset, int):
raise ParserException("Failed to convert offset '%s' to a number" % line.offset)
# If the uplevel delimiter was set in the signature line, then the specified offset
# is relative to the end of the last line's data (the '>>&0' offset syntax).
if line.uplevel:
line_offset += previous_line_end
# The start of the data needed by this line is at offset + line_offset.
# The end of the data will be line.size bytes later.
start = offset + line_offset
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