Commit 3969222a by devttys0

Fixed argv parsing bug

parent 2298894b
......@@ -464,6 +464,9 @@ class Modules(object):
return kwargs
def _is_file(self, fname):
return (not fname.startswith('-')) and (os.path.exists(fname) or fname.startswith('./') or fname.startswith('/'))
def argv(self, module, argv=sys.argv[1:]):
Processes argv for any options specific to the specified module.
......@@ -479,6 +482,8 @@ class Modules(object):
shorts = ""
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(add_help=False)
# TODO: Add all arguments for all modules to parser so that the only unknowns will be file names.
# Only return arguments for the specified module though.
if hasattr(module, "CLI"):
for module_option in module.CLI:
......@@ -491,11 +496,10 @@ class Modules(object):
action = None
if module_option.short:
parser.add_argument('-' + module_option.short, '--' + module_option.long, nargs=module_option.nargs, action=action, dest=module_option.long)
parser.add_argument('-' + module_option.short, '--' + module_option.long, action=action, dest=module_option.long)
parser.add_argument('--' + module_option.long, nargs=module_option.nargs, action=action, dest=module_option.long)
parser.add_argument('--' + module_option.long, action=action, dest=module_option.long)
print argv
args, unknown = parser.parse_known_args(argv)
args = args.__dict__
......@@ -506,7 +510,7 @@ class Modules(object):
for k in get_keys(module_option.kwargs):
kwargs[k] = []
for unk in unknown:
if not unk.startswith('-'):
if self._is_file(unk):
elif has_key(args, module_option.long) and args[module_option.long] not in [None, False]:
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