Commit f755caa8 by j0sm1

Add apt_c16_win64_dropper from nyx0 PR

Add apt_c16_win64_dropper from nyx0 PR
commit: 4c27043a07bedc86ab7665ff66e3a303a42bed44
parent 20428751
...@@ -78,3 +78,21 @@ rule apt_c16_win_wateringhole ...@@ -78,3 +78,21 @@ rule apt_c16_win_wateringhole
any of ($str*) any of ($str*)
} }
rule apt_c16_win64_dropper
Author = "@dragonthreatlab"
Date = "2015/01/11"
Description = "APT malware used to drop PcClient RAT"
Reference = ""
$mz = { 4D 5A }
$str1 = "clbcaiq.dll" ascii
$str2 = "profapi_104" ascii
$str3 = "\\Microsoft\\wuauclt\\wuauclt.dat" ascii
$str4 = { 0F B6 0A 48 FF C2 80 E9 03 80 F1 03 49 FF C8 88 4A FF 75 EC }
$mz at 0 and all of ($str*)
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