Commit eb7b5991 by Marc Rivero López Committed by GitHub

Update MALW_Batel.yar

parent 764a5208
......@@ -5,14 +5,16 @@
import "pe"
rule Batel_export_function : backdoor batel {
author = "@j0sm1"
date = "2016/10/15"
description = "Batel backdoor"
reference = ""
filetype = "binary"
rule Batel_export_function
pe.exports("run_shell") and pe.imports("kernel32.dll","GetTickCount") and pe.imports("kernel32.dll","IsDebuggerPresent") and pe.imports("msvcr100.dll","_crt_debugger_hook") and pe.imports("kernel32.dll","TerminateProcess") and pe.imports("kernel32.dll","UnhandledExceptionFilter")
\ No newline at end of file
author = "@j0sm1"
date = "2016/10/15"
description = "Batel backdoor"
reference = ""
filetype = "binary"
pe.exports("run_shell") and pe.imports("kernel32.dll","GetTickCount") and pe.imports("kernel32.dll","IsDebuggerPresent") and pe.imports("msvcr100.dll","_crt_debugger_hook") and pe.imports("kernel32.dll","TerminateProcess") and pe.imports("kernel32.dll","UnhandledExceptionFilter")
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