Commit e867f811 by Mike Worth Committed by GitHub

Create RANSOM_DoublePulsar_Petya.yar

Booz Allen Hamilton YARA rule on Petya from
parent 306feaef
rule DoublePulsarXor_Petya
description = "Rule to hit on the XORed DoublePulsar shellcode"
author = "Patrick Jones"
company = "Booz Allen Hamilton"
reference1 =""
reference2 = ""
date = "2017-06-28"
hash = "027cc450ef5f8c5f653329641ec1fed91f694e0d229928963b30f6b0d7d3a745"
hash = "64b0b58a2c030c77fdb2b537b2fcc4af432bc55ffb36599a31d418c7c69e94b1"
$DoublePulsarXor_Petya = { FD 0C 8C 5C B8 C4 24 C5 CC CC CC 0E E8 CC 24 6B CC CC CC 0F 24 CD CC CC CC 27 5C 97 75 BA CD CC CC C3 FE }
rule DoublePulsarDllInjection_Petya
description = "Rule to hit on the XORed DoublePulsar DLL injection shellcode"
author = "Patrick Jones"
company = "Booz Allen Hamilton"
reference1 =""
reference2 = ""
date = "2017-06-28"
hash = "027cc450ef5f8c5f653329641ec1fed91f694e0d229928963b30f6b0d7d3a745"
hash = "64b0b58a2c030c77fdb2b537b2fcc4af432bc55ffb36599a31d418c7c69e94b1"
$DoublePulsarDllInjection_Petya = { 45 20 8D 93 8D 92 8D 91 8D 90 92 93 91 97 0F 9F 9E 9D 99 84 45 29 84 4D 20 CC CD CC CC 9B 84 45 03 84 45 14 84 45 49 CC 33 33 33 24 77 CC CC CC 84 45 49 C4 33 33 33 24 84 CD CC CC 84 45 49 DC 33 33 33 84 47 49 CC 33 33 33 84 47 41 }
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