Unverified Commit d72154be by Jaume Martin Committed by GitHub

Merge pull request #373 from Nishan8583/master

Poet Rat Rules
parents b219ed24 35db229a
rule PoetRat
Author = "Nishan Maharjan"
Description = "A yara rule to catch PoetRat Word Document"
Data = "6th May 2020"
$pythonRegEx = /(\.py$|\.pyc$|\.pyd$|Python)/ // checking for python strings
// Python file strings in the word documents
$pythonFile1 = "launcher.py"
$zipFile = "smile.zip"
$pythonFile2 = "smile_funs.py"
$pythonFile3 = "frown.py"
$pythonFile4 = "backer.py"
$pythonFile5 = "smile.py"
$pythonFile6 = "affine.py"
// dlls and cmd strings
$dlls = /\.dll/
$cmd = "cmd"
$exe = ".exe"
all of them
\ No newline at end of file
rule PoetRat
Author = "Nishan Maharjan"
Description = "A yara rule to catch PoetRat python scripts"
Data = "6th May 2020"
// Any of the strings that stand out in the files, these are for the multiple python files, not just for a single file
$encrptionFunction = "Affine"
$commands = /version|ls|cd|sysinfo|download|upload|shot|cp|mv|link|register|hid|compress|jobs|exit|tasklist|taskkill/
$domain = "dellgenius.hopto.org"
$grammer_massacre = /BADD|Bad Error Happened|/
$mayBePresent = /self\.DIE|THE_GUID_KEY/
$pipe_out = "Abibliophobia23"
$shot = "shot_{0}_{1}.png"
any of them
\ No newline at end of file
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