Unverified Commit d151b532 by unixfreaxjp Committed by GitHub

Delete MALW_Mirai_Okiru_ELF.yar

parent 4ed217b4
/* Yara rule to detect Mirai Okiru generic
This Yara ruleset is under the GNU-GPLv2 license (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html)
and open to any user or organization, as long as you use it under this license.
private rule is__Mirai_gen7 {
description = "Generic detection for MiraiX version 7"
reference = "http://blog.malwaremustdie.org/2016/08/mmd-0056-2016-linuxmirai-just.html"
author = "unixfreaxjp"
org = "MalwareMustDie"
date = "2018-01-05"
$st01 = "/bin/busybox rm" fullword nocase wide ascii
$st02 = "/bin/busybox echo" fullword nocase wide ascii
$st03 = "/bin/busybox wget" fullword nocase wide ascii
$st04 = "/bin/busybox tftp" fullword nocase wide ascii
$st05 = "/bin/busybox cp" fullword nocase wide ascii
$st06 = "/bin/busybox chmod" fullword nocase wide ascii
5 of them
private rule is__elf {
author = "@mmorenog,@yararules"
$header = { 7F 45 4C 46 }
$header at 0
rule Mirai_Okiru {
description = "Detects Mirai Okiru MALW"
date = "2018-01-05"
$hexsts01 = { 68 7f 27 70 60 62 73 3c 27 28 65 6e 69 28 65 72 }
$hexsts02 = { 74 7e 65 68 7f 27 73 61 73 77 3c 27 28 65 6e 69 }
// noted for some variant doesnt have below:
// $st07 = "iptables -F\n" fullword nocase wide ascii
all of them
and is__elf
and is__Mirai_gen7
and filesize < 100KB
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