Unverified Commit cf7bc5e0 by Jaume Martin Committed by GitHub

Merge pull request #376 from milannshrestha/patch-2

Create extortion_email.yar
parents eec22d25 a079d8ba
rule extortion_email
author = "milann shrestha <Twitter - @x0verhaul>"
description = "Detects the possible extortion scam on the basis of subjects and keywords"
data = "12th May 2020"
// Common Subjects scammer keep for luring the targets
$sub1 = "Hackers know password from your account."
$sub2 = "Security Alert. Your accounts were hacked by a criminal group."
$sub3 = "Your account was under attack! Change your credentials!"
$sub4 = "The decision to suspend your account. Waiting for payment"
$sub5 = "Fraudsters know your old passwords. Access data must be changed."
$sub6 = "Your account has been hacked! You need to unlock it."
$sub7 = "Be sure to read this message! Your personal data is threatened!"
$sub8 = "Password must be changed now."
// Keywords used for extortion
$key1 = "BTC" nocase
$key2 = "Wallet" nocase
$key3 = "Bitcoin" nocase
$key4 = "hours" nocase
$key5 = "payment" nocase
$key6 = "malware" nocase
$key = "bitcoin address" nocase
$key7 = "access" nocase
$key8 = "virus" nocase
all of ($eml*) and
any of ($sub*) and
any of ($key*)
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