Commit cba013d7 by Vlad Committed by GitHub

Add files via upload

Finds PHP content in files w/ image headers (JPG/GIF/PNG) via magic numbers.
parent ef45a0e4
Finds PHP code in JP(E)Gs, GIFs, PNGs.
Magic numbers via Wikipedia.
rule php_in_image
author = "Vlad"
date = "2016/07/18"
description = "Finds image files w/ PHP code in images"
$gif = /^GIF8[79]a/
$jfif = { ff d8 ff ee 00 10 4a 46 49 }
$png = { 89 50 4e 47 0d 0a 1a 0a }
$php_tag = "<?php"
(($gif at 0) or
($jfif at 0) or
($png at 0)) and
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