Unverified Commit c27f960b by mmorenog Committed by GitHub

Merge pull request #291 from mikesxrs/patch-8

Create TOOLKIT_powerstager.yar
parents fe63a2f8 79898dec
rule powerstager
author = "Jeff White - jwhite@paloaltonetworks.com @noottrak"
date = "02JAN2018"
hash1 = "758097319d61e2744fb6b297f0bff957c6aab299278c1f56a90fba197795a0fa" //x86
hash2 = "83e714e72d9f3c500cad610c4772eae6152a232965191f0125c1c6f97004b7b5" //x64
description = "Detects PowerStager Windows executable, both x86 and x64"
reference = "https://researchcenter.paloaltonetworks.com/2018/01/unit42-powerstager-analysis/"
reference2 = "https://github.com/z0noxz/powerstager"
$filename = /%s\\[a-zA-Z0-9]{12}/
$pathname = "TEMP" wide ascii
// $errormsg = "The version of this file is not compatible with the version of Windows you're running." wide ascii
$filedesc = "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consecteteur adipiscing elit" wide ascii
$apicall_01 = "memset"
$apicall_02 = "getenv"
$apicall_03 = "fopen"
$apicall_04 = "memcpy"
$apicall_05 = "fwrite"
$apicall_06 = "fclose"
$apicall_07 = "CreateProcessA"
$decoder_x86_01 = { 8D 95 [4] 8B 45 ?? 01 D0 0F B6 18 8B 4D ?? }
$decoder_x86_02 = { 89 C8 0F B6 84 05 [4] 31 C3 89 D9 8D 95 [4] 8B 45 ?? 01 D0 88 08 83 45 [2] 8B 45 ?? 3D }
$decoder_x64_01 = { 8B 85 [4] 48 98 44 0F [7] 8B 85 [4] 48 63 C8 48 }
$decoder_x64_02 = { 48 89 ?? 0F B6 [3-6] 44 89 C2 31 C2 8B 85 [4] 48 98 }
uint16be(0) == 0x4D5A
all of ($apicall_*)
(2 of ($decoder_x86*) or 2 of ($decoder_x64*))
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