Commit b8ad9ac8 by mmorenog Committed by GitHub

Delete RCS.yar

parent aa6446a3
This Yara ruleset is under the GNU-GPLv2 license ( and open to any user or organization, as long as you use it under this license.
import "pe"
rule RCS_Backdoor
description = "Hacking Team RCS Backdoor"
author = "botherder"
$filter1 = "$debug3"
$filter2 = "$log2"
$filter3 = "error2"
$debug1 = /\- (C)hecking components/ wide ascii
$debug2 = /\- (A)ctivating hiding system/ wide ascii
$debug3 = /(f)ully operational/ wide ascii
$log1 = /\- Browser activity \(FF\)/ wide ascii
$log2 = /\- Browser activity \(IE\)/ wide ascii
// Cause false positives.
//$log3 = /\- About to call init routine at %p/ wide ascii
//$log4 = /\- Calling init routine at %p/ wide ascii
$error1 = /\[Unable to deploy\]/ wide ascii
$error2 = /\[The system is already monitored\]/ wide ascii
(2 of ($debug*) or 2 of ($log*) or all of ($error*)) and not any of ($filter*)
rule RCS_Scout
description = "Hacking Team RCS Scout"
author = "botherder"
$filter1 = "$engine5"
$filter2 = "$start4"
$filter3 = "$upd2"
$filter4 = "$lookma6"
$engine1 = /(E)ngine started/ wide ascii
$engine2 = /(R)unning in background/ wide ascii
$engine3 = /(L)ocking doors/ wide ascii
$engine4 = /(R)otors engaged/ wide ascii
$engine5 = /(I)\'m going to start it/ wide ascii
$start1 = /Starting upgrade\!/ wide ascii
$start2 = /(I)\'m going to start the program/ wide ascii
$start3 = /(i)s it ok\?/ wide ascii
$start4 = /(C)lick to start the program/ wide ascii
$upd1 = /(U)pdJob/ wide ascii
$upd2 = /(U)pdTimer/ wide ascii
$lookma1 = /(O)wning PCI bus/ wide
$lookma2 = /(F)ormatting bios/ wide
$lookma3 = /(P)lease insert a disk in drive A:/ wide
$lookma4 = /(U)pdating CPU microcode/ wide
$lookma5 = /(N)ot sure what's happening/ wide
$lookma6 = /(L)ook ma, no thread id\! \\\\o\// wide
(all of ($engine*) or all of ($start*) or all of ($upd*) or 4 of ($lookma*)) and not any of ($filter*)
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