Commit 93fdf172 by mmorenog

Create Android_Overlayer.yar

parent 63e861c8
This Yara ruleset is under the GNU-GPLv2 license ( and open to any user or organization, as long as you use it under this license.
import "androguard"
rule android_overlayer
description = "This rule detects the banker trojan with overlaying functionality"
source = ""
author = "Koodous Project"
$str_1 = "tel:"
$str_2 = "lockNow" nocase
$str_3 = ""
$str_4 = "Cmd_conf" nocase
$str_5 = "Sms_conf" nocase
$str_6 = "filter2"
androguard.certificate.sha1("6994ED892E7F0019BCA74B5847C6D5113391D127") or
(androguard.permission(/android.permission.INTERNET/) and
androguard.permission(/android.permission.READ_SMS/) and
androguard.permission(/android.permission.READ_PHONE_STATE/) and
all of ($str_*))
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