Commit 63e861c8 by mmorenog

Create Android_pornClicker.yar

parent e890f99b
This Yara ruleset is under the GNU-GPLv2 license ( and open to any user or organization, as long as you use it under this license.
import "androguard"
rule trojan: pornClicker
description = "Ruleset to detect android pornclicker trojan, connects to a remote host and obtains javascript and a list from urls generated, leading to porn in the end."
sample = "5a863fe4b141e14ba3d9d0de3a9864c1339b2358386e10ba3b4caec73b5d06ca"
reference = ""
author = "Koodous Project"
$a = "SELEN3333"
$b = "SELEN33"
$c = "SELEN333"
$api = ""
($a and $b and $c and $api) or androguard.url(/mayis24\.4tubetv\.xyz/)
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