Commit 87ce62d2 by Remi Jullian

Add rule to detect Agent Tesla information stealer malware

parent 861e380b
rule agenttesla
description = "Detecting HTML strings used by Agent Tesla malware"
author = "Stormshield"
reference = ""
version = "1.0"
$html_username = "<br>UserName&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;: " wide ascii
$html_pc_name = "<br>PC&nbsp;Name&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;: " wide ascii
$html_os_name = "<br>OS&nbsp;Full&nbsp;Name&nbsp;&nbsp;: " wide ascii
$html_os_platform = "<br>OS&nbsp;Platform&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;: " wide ascii
$html_clipboard = "<br><span style=font-style:normal;text-decoration:none;text-transform:none;color:#FF0000;><strong>[clipboard]</strong></span>" wide ascii
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