Commit 86614894 by mmorenog Committed by GitHub

Delete APT_RAT_win32_dll_hiZor.yar

parent 9c5cb6fd
This Yara ruleset is under the GNU-GPLv2 license ( and open to any user or organization, as long as you use it under this license.
rule apt_win32_dll_rat_hiZorRAT: RAT
hash1 = "75d3d1f23628122a64a2f1b7ef33f5cf"
hash2 = "d9821468315ccd3b9ea03161566ef18e"
hash3 = "b9af5f5fd434a65d7aa1b55f5441c90a"
ref1 = ""
ref2 = ""
// Part of the encoded User-Agent = Mozilla
$ = { c7 [5] 40 00 62 00 c7 [5] 77 00 64 00 c7 [5] 61 00 61 00 c7 [5] 6c 00 }
// XOR to decode User-Agent after string stacking 0x10001630
$ = { 66 [7] 0d 40 83 ?? ?? 7c ?? }
// XOR with 0x2E - 0x10002EF6
$ = { 80 [2] 2e 40 3b ?? 72 ?? }
$ = "CmdProcessExited" wide ascii
$ = "rootDir" wide ascii
$ = "DllRegisterServer" wide ascii
$ = "GetNativeSystemInfo" wide ascii
$ = "%08x%08x%08x%08x" wide ascii
(uint16(0) == 0x5A4D or uint32(0) == 0x4464c457f) and (all of them)
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