Commit 842dd653 by wesinator

Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master' into patch-1

parents ebeb9400 2bb79cb6
liberapay: yararules
name: Bug report
about: Create a report to help us improve
title: "[BUG]"
labels: bug
assignees: ''
**Describe the bug**
A clear and concise description of what the bug is.
**To Reproduce**
Steps to reproduce the behavior:
1. Go to '...'
2. Click on '....'
3. Scroll down to '....'
4. See error
**Expected behavior**
A clear and concise description of what you expected to happen.
If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem.
**Desktop (please complete the following information):**
- OS: [e.g. iOS]
- Yara version [e.g. 3.11.0]
- Version [e.g. 22]
**Additional context**
Add any other context about the problem here.
name: New rule request
about: Suggest a new rule for this project
title: "[New Rule]"
labels: new rule
assignees: ''
**Is your feature request related to an article or investigation? Please describe.**
A clear and concise description of what the article or investigation is.
**Describe the solution you'd like**
A clear and concise description of what you want to happen.
**Describe alternatives you've considered**
A clear and concise description of any alternative solutions or features you've considered.
**Additional context**
Add any other context or screenshots about the feature request here.
name: CI
# Trigger the workflow on push or pull request,
# but only for the master branch
- master
- master
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- uses: actions/checkout@v2
ref: ${{ github.head_ref }}
- name: Run gen index
run: "./"
shell: bash
- name: Add & Commit
uses: github-actions-x/commit@v2.4
commit-message: 'Index updated'
name: '${{ secrets.GH_USER }}'
email: '${{ secrets.GH_EMAIL }}'
push-branch: ${{ github.head_ref }}
github-token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
- name: Push
uses: ad-m/github-push-action@v0.5.0
github_token: ${{ secrets.GH_TOKEN }}
branch: ${{ github.head_ref }}
language: c
sudo: required
#dist: trusty
- sudo apt-get -qq update
- sudo apt-get install jq
- sudo apt-get install -y automake libtool make gcc pkg-config flex bison libjansson-dev libmagic-dev libssl-dev jq
# Yara
- wget $(curl -s | jq -r ".tarball_url") -O yara.tar.gz
#- wget $(wget -O - | jq -r ".tarball_url") -O yara.tar.gz
- wget $(curl -s | jq -r ".tarball_url") -O yara-latest.tar.gz
- mkdir yara
- tar -C yara -xzvf yara.tar.gz --strip-components 1
# Androguard for Yara
- wget -O yara/libyara/modules/androguard.c
- wget -O yara/libyara/modules/module_list
- wget -O yara/libyara/
# libjansson
- wget
- tar -xzvf jansson-2.7.tar.gz
- cd jansson-2.7
- ./configure
- make
- sudo make install
- tar -xzvf yara-latest.tar.gz -C yara --strip-components 1
# Compile Yara
- cd ../yara
- cd yara
# Update per issue 176
- sed -i 's/#define RE_MAX_SPLIT_ID 128/#define RE_MAX_SPLIT_ID 255/g' libyara/re.c
- sed -i 's/#define RE_MAX_SPLIT_ID 128/#define RE_MAX_SPLIT_ID 255/g' libyara/include/yara/limits.h
- ./
- ./configure --enable-cuckoo
- ./configure --enable-cuckoo --enable-magic --with-crypto
- make
- sudo make install
- sudo ldconfig
......@@ -34,8 +21,6 @@ before_install:
- echo "test" > testfile
- echo "{}" > androguard_report.json
# - for j in $(ls -d */); do for i in $(find $j -type f -name "*.yara" ; find $j -type f -name "*.yar"); do echo $i; yara -x androguard=androguard_report.json $i testfile; if [[ $? -ne 0 ]]; then FALLO=1; fi; done; done
- for i in $(ls *_index.yar); do echo $i; yara -w -x androguard=androguard_report.json $i testfile; if [[ $? -ne 0 ]]; then FALLO=1; fi; done
- for i in $(ls *_index.yar); do echo $i; yara -w $i testfile; if [[ $? -ne 0 ]]; then FALLO=1; fi; done
- exit $FALLO
Generated by Yara-Rules
On 26-11-2019
include "./CVE_Rules/CVE-2010-0805.yar"
include "./CVE_Rules/CVE-2010-0887.yar"
include "./CVE_Rules/CVE-2010-1297.yar"
include "./CVE_Rules/CVE-2012-0158.yar"
include "./CVE_Rules/CVE-2013-0074.yar"
include "./CVE_Rules/CVE-2013-0422.yar"
include "./CVE_Rules/CVE-2015-1701.yar"
include "./CVE_Rules/CVE-2015-2426.yar"
include "./CVE_Rules/CVE-2015-2545.yar"
include "./CVE_Rules/CVE-2015-5119.yar"
include "./CVE_Rules/CVE-2016-5195.yar"
include "./CVE_Rules/CVE-2017-11882.yar"
include "./CVE_Rules/CVE-2018-20250.yar"
include "./CVE_Rules/CVE-2018-4878.yar"
Generated by Yara-Rules
On 26-11-2019
include "./Exploit-Kits/EK_Angler.yar"
include "./Exploit-Kits/EK_Blackhole.yar"
include "./Exploit-Kits/EK_BleedingLife.yar"
include "./Exploit-Kits/EK_Crimepack.yar"
include "./Exploit-Kits/EK_Eleonore.yar"
include "./Exploit-Kits/EK_Fragus.yar"
include "./Exploit-Kits/EK_Phoenix.yar"
include "./Exploit-Kits/EK_Sakura.yar"
include "./Exploit-Kits/EK_ZeroAcces.yar"
include "./Exploit-Kits/EK_Zerox88.yar"
include "./Exploit-Kits/EK_Zeus.yar"
Generated by Yara-Rules
On 26-11-2019
include "./Malicious_Documents/Maldoc_APT10_MenuPass.yar"
include "./Malicious_Documents/Maldoc_APT19_CVE-2017-1099.yar"
include "./Malicious_Documents/Maldoc_APT_OLE_JSRat.yar"
include "./Malicious_Documents/Maldoc_CVE-2017-0199.yar"
include "./Malicious_Documents/Maldoc_CVE_2017_11882.yar"
include "./Malicious_Documents/Maldoc_CVE_2017_8759.yar"
include "./Malicious_Documents/Maldoc_Contains_VBE_File.yar"
include "./Malicious_Documents/Maldoc_DDE.yar"
include "./Malicious_Documents/Maldoc_Dridex.yar"
include "./Malicious_Documents/Maldoc_Hidden_PE_file.yar"
include "./Malicious_Documents/Maldoc_MIME_ActiveMime_b64.yar"
include "./Malicious_Documents/Maldoc_PDF.yar"
include "./Malicious_Documents/Maldoc_PowerPointMouse.yar"
include "./Malicious_Documents/Maldoc_Suspicious_OLE_target.yar"
include "./Malicious_Documents/Maldoc_UserForm.yar"
include "./Malicious_Documents/Maldoc_VBA_macro_code.yar"
include "./Malicious_Documents/Maldoc_Word_2007_XML_Flat_OPC.yar"
include "./Malicious_Documents/Maldoc_malrtf_ole2link.yar"
include "./Malicious_Documents/maldoc_somerules.yar"
Generated by Yara-Rules
On 26-11-2019
include "./Mobile_Malware/Android_ASSDdeveloper.yar"
include "./Mobile_Malware/Android_AVITOMMS.yar"
include "./Mobile_Malware/Android_AliPay_smsStealer.yar"
include "./Mobile_Malware/Android_Amtrckr_20160519.yar"
include "./Mobile_Malware/Android_Backdoor.yar"
include "./Mobile_Malware/Android_Backdoor_script.yar"
include "./Mobile_Malware/Android_BadMirror.yar"
include "./Mobile_Malware/Android_Banker_Acecard.yar"
include "./Mobile_Malware/Android_BatteryBot_ClickFraud.yar"
include "./Mobile_Malware/Android_Clicker_G.yar"
include "./Mobile_Malware/Android_Copy9.yar"
include "./Mobile_Malware/Android_DeathRing.yar"
include "./Mobile_Malware/Android_Dectus_rswm.yar"
include "./Mobile_Malware/Android_Dendroid_RAT.yar"
include "./Mobile_Malware/Android_Dogspectus.yar"
include "./Mobile_Malware/Android_FakeApps.yar"
include "./Mobile_Malware/Android_FakeBank_Fanta.yar"
include "./Mobile_Malware/Android_Godless.yar"
include "./Mobile_Malware/Android_HackintTeam_Implant.yar"
include "./Mobile_Malware/Android_Libyan_Scorpions.yar"
include "./Mobile_Malware/Android_MalwareCertificates.yar"
include "./Mobile_Malware/Android_Malware_Ramsonware.yar"
include "./Mobile_Malware/Android_Malware_Tinhvan.yar"
include "./Mobile_Malware/Android_Malware_Towelroot.yar"
include "./Mobile_Malware/Android_Marcher_2.yar"
include "./Mobile_Malware/Android_MazarBot_z.yar"
include "./Mobile_Malware/Android_Metasploit.yar"
include "./Mobile_Malware/Android_Metasploit_Payload.yar"
include "./Mobile_Malware/Android_OmniRat.yar"
include "./Mobile_Malware/Android_Overlayer.yar"
include "./Mobile_Malware/Android_Pink_Locker.yar"
include "./Mobile_Malware/Android_Polish_Bankbot.yar"
include "./Mobile_Malware/Android_RuMMS.yar"
include "./Mobile_Malware/Android_SMSFraud.yar"
include "./Mobile_Malware/Android_SandroRat.yar"
include "./Mobile_Malware/Android_SlemBunk.yar"
include "./Mobile_Malware/Android_SpyAgent.yar"
include "./Mobile_Malware/Android_SpyNote.yar"
include "./Mobile_Malware/Android_Spynet.yar"
include "./Mobile_Malware/Android_Spywaller.yar"
include "./Mobile_Malware/Android_Switcher.yar"
include "./Mobile_Malware/Android_Tachi.yar"
include "./Mobile_Malware/Android_Tempting_Cedar_Spyware.yar"
include "./Mobile_Malware/Android_Tordow.yar"
include "./Mobile_Malware/Android_Triada_Banking.yar"
include "./Mobile_Malware/Android_Trojan_Dendroid.yar"
include "./Mobile_Malware/Android_Trojan_Droidjack.yar"
include "./Mobile_Malware/Android_VikingOrder.yar"
include "./Mobile_Malware/Android_VirusPolicia.yar"
include "./Mobile_Malware/Android_adware.yar"
include "./Mobile_Malware/Android_generic_adware.yar"
include "./Mobile_Malware/Android_generic_smsfraud.yar"
include "./Mobile_Malware/Android_malware_Advertising.yar"
include "./Mobile_Malware/Android_malware_ChinesePorn.yar"
include "./Mobile_Malware/Android_malware_Dropper.yar"
include "./Mobile_Malware/Android_malware_Fake_MosKow.yar"
include "./Mobile_Malware/Android_malware_HackingTeam.yar"
include "./Mobile_Malware/Android_malware_SMSsender.yar"
include "./Mobile_Malware/Android_malware_banker.yar"
include "./Mobile_Malware/Android_malware_xbot007.yar"
include "./Mobile_Malware/Android_mapin.yar"
include "./Mobile_Malware/Android_pornClicker.yar"
include "./Mobile_Malware/Android_sk_bankTr.yar"
Generated by Yara-Rules
On 26-11-2019
include "./Packers/JJencode.yar"
include "./Packers/Javascript_exploit_and_obfuscation.yar"
include "./Packers/packer.yar"
include "./Packers/packer_compiler_signatures.yar"
include "./Packers/peid.yar"
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# Project
......@@ -14,8 +15,6 @@ If you’re interested in sharing your Yara rules with us and the Security Commu
Twitter account:
Mailing list :
# Requirements
Yara **version 3.0** or higher is required for most of our rules to work. This is mainly due to the use of the "pe" module introduced in that version.
......@@ -24,7 +23,9 @@ You can check your installed version with `yara -v`
Packages available in Ubuntu 14.04 LTS default repositories are too old. You can alternatively install from source or use the packages available in the [Remnux repository](
Also, you will need [Androguard Module]( if you want to use the rules in the 'mobile_malware' category.
~~Also, you will need [Androguard Module]( if you want to use the rules in the 'mobile_malware' category.~~
We have deprecated mobile_malware rules that depend on Androguard Module because it seems an abandoned project.
# Categories
......@@ -36,7 +37,7 @@ In this section you will find Yara Rules aimed toward the detection of anti-debu
In this section you will find Yara rules to detect capabilities that do not fit into any of the other categories. They are useful to know for analysis but may not be malicious indicators on their own.
## CVE_Rules
## CVE Rules
In this section you will find Yara Rules specialised toward the identification of specific Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVEs)
......@@ -72,9 +73,9 @@ In this section you will find Yara rules specialised toward the identification o
In this section you will find Yara rules specialised toward the identification of well-known mobile malware.
Many rules in this section use the Androguard module developed by the people over at
## Deprecated
You can get it, along with installation instructions, at
In this section you will find Yara rules deprecated.
# Contact
......@@ -82,4 +83,3 @@ Webpage:
Twitter account:
Mail list :
Generated by Yara-Rules
On 26-11-2019
include "./Webshells/WShell_APT_Laudanum.yar"
include "./Webshells/WShell_ASPXSpy.yar"
include "./Webshells/WShell_PHP_Anuna.yar"
include "./Webshells/WShell_PHP_in_images.yar"
include "./Webshells/WShell_THOR_Webshells.yar"
include "./Webshells/Wshell_ChineseSpam.yar"
include "./Webshells/Wshell_fire2013.yar"
Generated by Yara-Rules
On 24-02-2020
include "./antidebug_antivm/antidebug_antivm.yar"
......@@ -813,3 +813,102 @@ rule win_files_operation {
$f1 and 3 of ($c*)
rule Str_Win32_Winsock2_Library
author = "@adricnet"
description = "Match Winsock 2 API library declaration"
method = "String match"
reference = ""
$ws2_lib = "Ws2_32.dll" nocase
$wsock2_lib = "WSock32.dll" nocase
(any of ($ws2_lib, $wsock2_lib))
rule Str_Win32_Wininet_Library
author = "@adricnet"
description = "Match Windows Inet API library declaration"
method = "String match"
reference = ""
$wininet_lib = "WININET.dll" nocase
(all of ($wininet*))
rule Str_Win32_Internet_API
author = "@adricnet"
description = "Match Windows Inet API call"
method = "String match, trim the As"
reference = ""
$wininet_call_closeh = "InternetCloseHandle"
$wininet_call_readf = "InternetReadFile"
$wininet_call_connect = "InternetConnect"
$wininet_call_open = "InternetOpen"
(any of ($wininet_call*))
rule Str_Win32_Http_API
author = "@adricnet"
description = "Match Windows Http API call"
method = "String match, trim the As"
reference = ""
$wininet_call_httpr = "HttpSendRequest"
$wininet_call_httpq = "HttpQueryInfo"
$wininet_call_httpo = "HttpOpenRequest"
(any of ($wininet_call_http*))
rule ldpreload
reference= ""
$a = "dlopen" nocase ascii wide
$b = "dlsym" nocase ascii wide
$c = "fopen" nocase ascii wide
$d = "fopen64" nocase ascii wide
$e = "__fxstat" nocase ascii wide
$f = "__fxstat64" nocase ascii wide
$g = "accept" nocase ascii wide
$h = "__lxstat" nocase ascii wide
$i = "__lxstat64" nocase ascii wide
$j = "open" nocase ascii wide
$k = "rmdir" nocase ascii wide
$l = "__xstat" nocase ascii wide
$m = "__xstat64" nocase ascii wide
$n = "unlink" nocase ascii wide
$o = "unlikat" nocase ascii wide
$p = "fdopendir" nocase ascii wide
$q = "opendir" nocase ascii wide
$r = "readdir" nocase ascii wide
$s = "readdir64" nocase ascii wide
($a or $b) and 5 of them
Generated by Yara-Rules
On 26-11-2019
On 24-02-2020
include "./Capabilities/capabilities.yar"
include "./capabilities/capabilities.yar"
......@@ -378,6 +378,26 @@ rule SHA512_Constants {
5 of them
rule SHA2_BLAKE2_IVs {
author = "spelissier"
description = "Look for SHA2/BLAKE2/Argon2 IVs"
date = "2019-12"
version = "0.1"
$c0 = { 67 E6 09 6A }
$c1 = { 85 AE 67 BB }
$c2 = { 72 F3 6E 3C }
$c3 = { 3A F5 4F A5 }
$c4 = { 7F 52 0E 51 }
$c5 = { 8C 68 05 9B }
$c6 = { AB D9 83 1F }
$c7 = { 19 CD E0 5B }
all of them
rule TEAN {
author = "_pusher_"
......@@ -1431,3 +1451,45 @@ rule DCP_DES_EncryptECB {
any of them
rule Chacha_128_constant {
author = "spelissier"
description = "Look for 128-bit key Chacha stream cipher constant"
date = "2019-12"
reference = ""
$c0 = "expand 16-byte k"
rule Chacha_256_constant {
author = "spelissier"
description = "Look for 256-bit key Chacha stream cipher constant"
date = "2019-12"
reference = ""
$c0 = "expand 32-byte k"
rule ecc_order {
author = "spelissier"
description = "Look for known Elliptic curve orders"
date = "2020-01"
version = "0.1"
$secp192k1 = { FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FE 26 F2 FC 17 0F 69 46 6A 74 DE FD 8D}
$secp192r1 = { FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF 99 DE F8 36 14 6B C9 B1 B4 D2 28 31}
$secp224k1 = { 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 DC E8 D2 EC 61 84 CA F0 A9 71 76 9F B1 F7}
$secp224r1 = { FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF 16 A2 E0 B8 F0 3E 13 DD 29 45 5C 5C 2A 3D}
$secp256k1 = { FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FE BA AE DC E6 AF 48 A0 3B BF D2 5E 8C D0 36 41 41 }
$prime256v1 = { FF FF FF FF 00 00 00 00 FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF BC E6 FA AD A7 17 9E 84 F3 B9 CA C2 FC 63 25 51 }
$secp384r1 = { FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF C7 63 4D 81 F4 37 2D DF 58 1A 0D B2 48 B0 A7 7A EC EC 19 6A CC C5 29 73 }
any of them
\ No newline at end of file
Generated by Yara-Rules
On 26-11-2019
On 24-02-2020
include "./Crypto/crypto_signatures.yar"
include "./crypto/crypto_signatures.yar"
Generated by Yara-Rules
On 24-02-2020
include "./cve_rules/CVE-2010-0805.yar"
include "./cve_rules/CVE-2010-0887.yar"
include "./cve_rules/CVE-2010-1297.yar"
include "./cve_rules/CVE-2012-0158.yar"
include "./cve_rules/CVE-2013-0074.yar"
include "./cve_rules/CVE-2013-0422.yar"
include "./cve_rules/CVE-2015-1701.yar"
include "./cve_rules/CVE-2015-2426.yar"
include "./cve_rules/CVE-2015-2545.yar"
include "./cve_rules/CVE-2015-5119.yar"
include "./cve_rules/CVE-2016-5195.yar"
include "./cve_rules/CVE-2017-11882.yar"
include "./cve_rules/CVE-2018-20250.yar"
include "./cve_rules/CVE-2018-4878.yar"
// Published under the GNU-GPLv2 license. It’s open to any user or organization,
// as long as you use it under this license.
rule finspy : cdshide android
description = "Detect Gamma/FinFisher FinSpy for Android #GovWare"
date = "2020/01/07"
author = "Thorsten Schröder - ths @ ("
reference1 = ""
reference2 = ""
reference3 = ""
sample = "c2ce202e6e08c41e8f7a0b15e7d0781704e17f8ed52d1b2ad7212ac29926436e"
$re = /\x50\x4B\x01\x02[\x00-\xff]{32}[A-Za-z0-9+\/]{6}/
$re and (#re > 50)
Generated by Yara-Rules
On 26-11-2019
On 24-02-2020
include "./email/EMAIL_Cryptowall.yar"
include "./email/attachment.yar"
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