Commit 834b87de by mmorenog Committed by GitHub

Create Ransom_DMALocker.yar

parent 2a99aef0
//more info at
rule DMALocker
Description = "Deteccion del ransomware DMA Locker desde la version 1.0 a la 4.0"
Author = "SadFud"
Date = "30/05/2016"
$uno = { 41 42 43 58 59 5a 31 31 }
$dos = { 21 44 4d 41 4c 4f 43 4b }
$tres = { 21 44 4d 41 4c 4f 43 4b 33 2e 30 }
$cuatro = { 21 44 4d 41 4c 4f 43 4b 34 2e 30 }
any of them
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