Commit 698a04dc by Marc Rivero López Committed by GitHub

Update MALW_DDoSTf.yar

parent 49c93f3a
......@@ -2,19 +2,22 @@
This Yara ruleset is under the GNU-GPLv2 license ( and open to any user or organization, as long as you use it under this license.
rule DDosTf : DDoS ELF
rule DDosTf
author = "benkow_ - MalwareMustDie"
reference = ""
description = "Rule to detect ELF.DDosTf infection"
$st0 = ""
$st1 = {E8 AE BE E7 BD AE 54 43 50 5F 4B 45 45 50 49 4E 54 56 4C E9 94 99 E8 AF AF EF BC 9A 00} /*TCP_KEEPINTVL*/
$st2 = {E8 AE BE E7 BD AE 54 43 50 5F 4B 45 45 50 43 4E 54 E9 94 99 E8 AF AF EF BC 9A 00} /*TCP_KEEPCNT*/
$st3 = "Accept-Language: zh"
$st4 = "%d Kb/bps|%d%%"
all of them
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