Commit 65201289 by Marc Rivero López Committed by GitHub

Update APT_Prikormka.yar

parent 50535512
......@@ -32,26 +32,26 @@
rule PrikormkaDropper
$mz = { 4D 5A }
$kd1 = "KDSTORAGE" wide
$kd2 = "KDSTORAGE_64" wide
$kd3 = "KDRUNDRV32" wide
$kd4 = "KDRAR" wide
$bin1 = {69 65 04 15 00 14 1E 4A 16 42 08 6C 21 61 24 0F}
$bin2 = {76 6F 05 04 16 1B 0D 5E 0D 42 08 6C 20 45 18 16}
$bin3 = {4D 00 4D 00 43 00 00 00 67 00 75 00 69 00 64 00 56 00 47 00 41 00 00 00 5F 00 73 00 76 00 67 00}
$inj1 = "?AVCinj2008Dlg@@" ascii
$inj2 = "?AVCinj2008App@@" ascii
($mz at 0) and ((any of ($bin*)) or (3 of ($kd*)) or (all of ($inj*)))
rule PrikormkaModule
$mz = { 4D 5A }
......@@ -111,9 +111,9 @@ rule PrikormkaModule
rule PrikormkaEarlyVersion
$mz = { 4D 5A }
$str36 = "IntelRestore" ascii fullword
$str37 = "Resent" wide fullword
$str38 = "ocp8.1" wide fullword
......@@ -123,12 +123,14 @@ rule PrikormkaEarlyVersion
$str42 = "smdhost.dll" ascii fullword
$str43 = "KDLLCFX" wide fullword
$str44 = "KDLLRUNDRV" wide fullword
($mz at 0) and (2 of ($str*))
rule Prikormka
Author = "Anton Cherepanov"
Date = "2016/05/10"
......@@ -136,6 +138,7 @@ rule Prikormka
Source = ""
Contact = ""
License = "BSD 2-Clause"
PrikormkaDropper or PrikormkaModule or PrikormkaEarlyVersion
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