Commit 5a242769 by mmorenog Committed by GitHub

Create MALW_AZORult.yar

parent 46f7018e
This Yara ruleset is under the GNU-GPLv2 license ( and open to any user or organization, as long as you use it under this license.
rule Windows_Malware : Azorult_V2
author = "Xylitol"
date = "2017-09-30"
description = "Match first two bytes, strings, and parts of routines present in Azorult"
reference = ""
// May only the challenge guide you
$mz = {4D 5A}
$string1 = "ST234LMUV56CklAopq78Brstuvwxyz01NOPQRmGHIJKWXYZabcdefgDEFhijn9+/" wide ascii // Azorult custom base64-like alphabet
$string2 = "SYSInfo.txt"
$string3 = "CookieList.txt"
$string4 = "Passwords.txt"
$constant1 = {85 C0 74 40 85 D2 74 31 53 56 57 89 C6 89 D7 8B 4F FC 57} // Azorult grabs .txt and .dat files from Desktop
$constant2 = {68 ?? ?? ?? ?? FF 75 FC 68 ?? ?? ?? ?? 8D 45 F8 BA 03 00} // Portion of code from Azorult self-delete function
($mz at 0 and all of ($string*) and ($constant1 or $constant2))
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