Commit 51cc8cbe by mmorenog Committed by GitHub

Delete EXPERIMENTAL_Beef_Hooked.yar

parent 71ab1ffd
This Yara ruleset is under the GNU-GPLv2 license ( and open to any user or organization, as long as you use it under this license.
This Yara Rule is to be considered as "experimental"
It reperesents a first attempt to detect BeEF hook function in memory
It still requires further refinement
rule BeEF_browser_hooked {
description = "Yara rule related to hook.js, BeEF Browser hooking capability"
author = "Pasquale Stirparo"
date = "2015-10-07"
hash1 = "587e611f49baf63097ad2421ad0299b7b8403169ec22456fb6286abf051228db"
$s0 = "mitb.poisonAnchor" wide ascii
$s1 = "this.request(this.httpproto" wide ascii
$s2 = "beef.logger.get_dom_identifier" wide ascii
$s3 = "return (!!window.opera" wide ascii
$s4 = "history.pushState({ Be:\"EF\" }" wide ascii
$s5 = "window.navigator.userAgent.match(/Opera\\/9\\.80.*Version\\/10\\./)" wide ascii
$s6 = "window.navigator.userAgent.match(/Opera\\/9\\.80.*Version\\/11\\./)" wide ascii
$s7 = "window.navigator.userAgent.match(/Avant TriCore/)" wide ascii
$s8 = "window.navigator.userAgent.match(/Iceweasel" wide ascii
$s9 = "mitb.sniff(" wide ascii
$s10 = "Method override" wide ascii
$s11 = ".browser.hasWebSocket" wide ascii
$s12 = ".mitb.poisonForm" wide ascii
$s13 = "resolved=require.resolve(file,cwd||" wide ascii
$s14 = "if (document.domain == domain.replace(/(\\r\\n|\\n|\\r)/gm" wide ascii
$s15 = "" wide ascii
$s16 = "" wide ascii
$s17 = "mitb.sniff" wide ascii
$s18 = "beef.logger.start" wide ascii
all of them
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