Commit 287d4f63 by mmorenog

Merge pull request #100 from seifreed/patch-15

Create CredStealer
parents 97d83351 12fe5912
rule CredStealESY : For CredStealer
description = "Generic Rule to detect the CredStealer Malware"
author = "IsecG – McAfee Labs"
reference = ""
date = "2015/05/08"
$my_hex_string = "CurrentControlSet\\Control\\Keyboard Layouts\\" wide //malware trying to get keyboard layout
$my_hex_string2 = {89 45 E8 3B 7D E8 7C 0F 8B 45 E8 05 FF 00 00 00 2B C7 89 45 E8} //specific decryption module
$my_hex_string and $my_hex_string2
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