Commit 25ddfa49 by j0sm1

Merge pull request #85 from plutec/master

Added ruleset to detect a type of scam
parents f4341bde ce12e9fa
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This Yara ruleset is under the GNU-GPLv2 license ( and open to any user or organization, as
long as you use it under this license.
rule content {
author = "A.Sanchez <>"
description = "Detects scam emails with phishing attachment."
test1 = "email/eml/transferencia1.eml"
test2 = "email/eml/transferencia2.eml"
$subject = "Asunto: Justificante de transferencia" nocase
$body = "Adjunto justificante de transferencia"
all of them
rule attachment {
author = "A.Sanchez <>"
description = "Detects scam emails with phishing attachment."
test1 = "email/eml/transferencia1.eml"
test2 = "email/eml/transferencia2.eml"
$filename = "filename=\"scan001.pdf.html\""
$pleaseEnter = "NTAlNkMlNjUlNjElNzMlNjUlMjAlNjUlNkUlNzQlNjUlNzIlMjAlN" // Please enter
$emailReq = "NkQlNjUlNkUlNzQlMkUlNjklNkUlNjQlNjUlNzglMzIlMkUlNDUlNkQlNjElNjklNkMlM0I" // ment.index2.Email;
$pAssign = "NzAlMjAlM0QlMjAlNjQlNkYlNjMlNzUlNkQlNjUlNkUlNzQlMkUlNjklNkUlNjQlNjUl" // p = document.inde
all of them
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