Commit 166f4598 by mmorenog Committed by GitHub

Update APT_APT10.yar

parent 72b892c2
......@@ -52,4 +52,32 @@ condition:
any of them
rule PLUGX_RedLeaves
author = "US-CERT Code Analysis Team"
date = "03042017"
incident = "10118538"
date = "2017/04/03"
MD5_1 = "598FF82EA4FB52717ACAFB227C83D474"
MD5_2 = "7D10708A518B26CC8C3CBFBAA224E032"
MD5_3 = "AF406D35C77B1E0DF17F839E36BCE630"
MD5_4 = "6EB9E889B091A5647F6095DCD4DE7C83"
MD5_5 = "566291B277534B63EAFC938CDAAB8A399E41AF7D"
info = "Detects specific RedLeaves and PlugX binaries"
reference = ""
$s0 = { 80343057403D2FD0010072F433C08BFF80343024403D2FD0010072F4 }
$s1 = "C:/\Users/\user/\Desktop/\my_OK_2014/\bit9/\runsna/\Release/\runsna.pdb"
$s2 = "d:/\work/\plug4.0(shellcode)"
$s3 = "/\shellcode/\shellcode/\XSetting.h"
$s4 = { 42AFF4276A45AA58474D4C4BE03D5B395566BEBCBDEDE9972872C5C4C5498228 }
$s5 = { 8AD32AD002D180C23830140E413BCB7CEF6A006A006A00566A006A00 }
$s6 = { EB055F8BC7EB05E8F6FFFFFF558BEC81ECC8040000535657 }
$s7 = { 8A043233C932043983C10288043283F90A7CF242890D18AA00103BD37CE2891514AA00106A006A006A0056 }
$s8 = { 293537675A402A333557B05E04D09CB05EB3ADA4A4A40ED0B7DAB7935F5B5B08 }
$s9 = "RedLeavesCMDSimulatorMutex"
$s0 or $s1 or $s2 and $s3 or $s4 or $s5 or $s6 or $s7 or $s8 or $s9
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