Commit 07a795de by mmorenog Committed by GitHub

Create MiniAsp3_mem_1.yar

parent 1fdfe3fd
rule MiniAsp3_mem {
meta: author = "chort (@chort0)"
description = "Detect MiniASP3 in memory"
$pdb = "MiniAsp3\Release\MiniAsp.pdb" fullword
$httpAbout = "http://%s/about.htm" fullword
$httpResult = "http://%s/result_%s.htm" fullword
$msgInetFail = "open internet failed…" fullword
$msgRunErr = "run error!" fullword
$msgRunOk = "run ok!" fullword
$msgTimeOutM0 = "time out,change to mode 0" fullword
$msgCmdNull = "command is null!" fullword
($pdb and (all of ($http*)) and any of ($msg*))
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