Commit ce744d2f by 曾凯


parent 8110a7b7
# FACT installation
FACT consists of three components: frontend, database and backend.
All components can be installed on different machines (see [Distributed setup](#distributed-setup)), but you can also install everything on one machine (see [Simple (non-distributed) setup](#simple-non-distributed-setup)).
There is an automated installation script supporting Ubuntu 20.04 and 22.04 systems.
:exclamation: **The automated installation script might remove some packages of your ubuntu installation. In some cases
FACT relies on newer versions of a software and replaces the old versions provided by the ubuntu repositories.**
## TL;DR
Execute the following commands (not as `root`!):
sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade && sudo apt install git
git clone ~/FACT_core
~/FACT_core/src/install/ && sudo mkdir /media/data && sudo chown -R $USER /media/data
Then reboot (e.g. with `sudo reboot`) and afterwards run
Wait a few seconds, open your browser and go to [`http://localhost:5000`](http://localhost:5000).
Use `Ctrl + c` in your terminal to shut down FACT.
### WSL only
Follow the first three installation steps above (stop before the reboot).
To make sure that docker starts when you login to a WSL machine, follow the instructions on [this webpage](
Then continue the installation as usual.
### Virtual environment
It is highly advisable to install FACT in a virtual python environment in order to avoid conflicts with system python packages.
Python usually comes with its own `venv` module but for a packaged python installations in distributions like Ubuntu or
Debian you may need to install the `python3-venv` package first:
sudo apt install -y python3-venv
Now you can create a virtual environment with:
python3 -m venv .venv
Before using your new venv, you need to activate it:
# this is for bash and compatible shells. If you use a different shell, you may need a different script from .venv/bin/
source .venv/bin/activate
For more information see the [official documentation](
Now that the venv is active, you can start with the installation of FACT as usual.
Please mind, that you always need to activate the venv before you can start FACT.
If you have an existing FACT installation without venv, you can create one, activate it, and simply rerun the installation.
## Simple (non-distributed) setup
### Pre-installation
Some components of FACT depend on docker.
Since a restart is necessary before docker can run.
The system has to be rebooted in between FACT installation.
Thus the docker setup and some auxiliary stuff has been moved to the `` script.
The following lines will handle the first half of the installation (based on git not tarball):
sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade && sudo apt install git
git clone
cd FACT_core
Now modify `src/config/fact-core-config.toml` to suit your needs.
Especially, you should change the postgres passwords.
The database is initialized with these passwords on first start.
Create the `firmware_file_storage_directory` defined in `fact-core-config.toml`.
Make sure that the log directory exists as well.
If you have any additional plug-ins, copy/clone them into corresponding `src/plugins/` directory.
:exclamation: **Reboot before executing the src/** :exclamation:
:exclamation: **You have to do the above steps before you do anything else** :exclamation:
### Main installation
:customs: **The installation script installs a lot of dependencies that may have different licenses**
After reboot, enter the FACT_core directory and execute:
:beer: **Get a drink... Installation of the dependencies might take some time...** :tea:
More advanced setup options can be viewed using the help function of the installer `src/ --help` and are
explained in some detailed in the following paragraphs.
If the environment variable `FACT_INSTALLER_SKIP_DOCKER` is set the installer
will skip all pulling/building of docker images.
This is primarily used for the docker container of FACT but can also be used to
save some time when you already have the images.
## Distributed setup
The three components (database, backend and frontend) can be installed independently to create a distributed installation.
For this, the components can be individually installed using the command line options `--frontend`, `--backend`, and
`--db` (see `src/ --help`).
The two worker components (frontend, backend) both use the database and communicated through Redis.
This means the database and Redis need to be accessible from these systems.
The database in turn does not needed any knowledge of its place in the network, other than on which **ip:port**
combination the database server has to be hosted.
The configuration on the frontend system has to be changed so that the values of `common.postgres.server` and
`common.postgres.port` match the **ip:port** for the database.
The same has to be done for Redis and the backend.
In addition, since the raw firmware and file binaries are stored in the backend, the
`backend.firmware-file-storage-directory` has to be created (by default `/media/data/fact_fw_data`).
## Installation with Nginx (**--nginx**)
The installer supports automated installation and configuration of nginx.
This will enable a ssl protected access to the frontend via port 443.
Simply add the *-N* option to activate nginx support.
See our [radare wiki page]( for some additional steps to
allow forwarding of the radare webUI.
## Install Statistic Generation Cron Job (**--statistic_cronjob**)
FACT provides statistics generated by triggering the *update_statistic* script.
The install script can add a cronjob to trigger this script once an hour.
Just add the *-U* option on install.
## Installation with/without radare (**--no_radare**)
In contrast to nginx, radare has to be deselected as it is installed by default.
This can be done with the `-R` parameter.
On additional notes regarding the setup of the radare binding see the extensive notes in the [wiki](
## Update an older Installation
Simply checkout the new sources, rerun the `src/install/` and then `src/`.
Rebooting is not necessary if docker is already present.
For tarball installations, the easiest way is to back up the config files, remove the FACT folder, extract the new one
and put the configuration back in.
Then also re-run `src/install/` and `src/`.
If your FACT installation is v3.2 or lower and you use authentication then you have to migrate the user database.
To do so simply run the [](src/ script.
## FACT and your HTTP Proxy
In some advanced network setups, you might need to configure an http proxy for internet connectivity.
Most components of FACT do not require internet access during runtime.
The [hashlookup](
plugin, which polls []( during analysis, is an exemplary exception.
However, FACTs **installation routine** requires a lot of internet I/O, ranging from fetching APT packages, over static
assets from CDNs using `curl` or `wget`, to docker image builds.
Thus, it is important to properly configure your system.
Below, you will find some hints for system-wide proxy configuration.
### Proxy environment variables
Most dependencies and tools used by FACT honor `*_PROXY` environment variables.
You can set these on a system-wide scope inside `/etc/environment`.
NO_PROXY="localhost,,::1"' | sudo tee -a /etc/environment
### apt
`apt` is usually called via `sudo` in our installation scripts.
While `apt` honors the previously set `*_PROXY` environment variables, `sudo` is configured on some distributions to
drop them upon privilege elevation.
You have two options to fix this issue.
**Option 1:** Configure `sudo` to not drop these variables:
Open the sudoers file with `sudo visudo` and append the following line:
Defaults env_keep += "ftp_proxy http_proxy https_proxy no_proxy"
**Option 2:** Directly configure `apt` to use those env vars:
echo 'Acquire::http::Proxy "http://<YOUR-PROXY-HERE>:<PORT>/";
Acquire::https::Proxy "http://<YOUR-PROXY-HERE>:<PORT>/";' | sudo tee /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/00proxy
### Docker
Please refer to the [official docker documentation]( to configure it for proxy usage.
## Troubleshooting
If you encounter any problems, check out our [Troubleshooting wiki](
before opening an issue on github.
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