Commit cd3c59e2 by Alexander Popov

Add X86-specific CLIP OS recommendations for kernel self-protection

Refers to the issue #19 by @HacKurx
parent f8335694
......@@ -243,6 +243,18 @@ def construct_checklist(arch):
checklist.append(OptCheck('DEBUG_VIRTUAL', 'y', 'clipos', 'self_protection'))
checklist.append(AND(OptCheck('GCC_PLUGIN_RANDSTRUCT_PERFORMANCE', 'is not set', 'clipos', 'self_protection'), \
if debug_mode or arch == 'X86_64' or arch == 'X86_32':
checklist.append(OptCheck('RANDOM_TRUST_CPU', 'is not set', 'clipos', 'self_protection'))
checklist.append(OptCheck('MICROCODE', 'y', 'clipos', 'self_protection')) # is needed for mitigating CPU bugs
checklist.append(OptCheck('X86_MSR', 'y', 'clipos', 'self_protection')) # is needed for mitigating CPU bugs
iommu_support_is_set = OptCheck('IOMMU_SUPPORT', 'y', 'clipos', 'self_protection') # is needed for mitigating DMA attacks
checklist.append(AND(OptCheck('INTEL_IOMMU', 'y', 'clipos', 'self_protection'), \
checklist.append(AND(OptCheck('INTEL_IOMMU_SVM', 'y', 'clipos', 'self_protection'), \
checklist.append(AND(OptCheck('INTEL_IOMMU_DEFAULT_ON', 'y', 'clipos', 'self_protection'), \
if debug_mode or arch == 'X86_64' or arch == 'ARM64' or arch == 'X86_32':
stackleak_is_set = OptCheck('GCC_PLUGIN_STACKLEAK', 'y', 'my', 'self_protection')
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