Commit ba85d0b9 by Alexander Popov

test_engine: add test_version()

parent 33239ac7
......@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ This module performs unit-testing of the kconfig-hardened-check engine.
import unittest
from collections import OrderedDict
import json
from .engine import KconfigCheck, CmdlineCheck, OR, AND, populate_with_data, perform_checks
from .engine import KconfigCheck, CmdlineCheck, VersionCheck, OR, AND, populate_with_data, perform_checks
class TestEngine(unittest.TestCase):
......@@ -245,3 +245,37 @@ class TestEngine(unittest.TestCase):
["CONFIG_NAME_10", "kconfig", "expected_10", "decision_10", "reason_10", "FAIL: CONFIG_NAME_11 is off"],
["CONFIG_NAME_12", "kconfig", "expected_12", "decision_12", "reason_12", "FAIL: CONFIG_NAME_13 is off, not found"]]
def test_version(self):
# 1. prepare the checklist
config_checklist = []
config_checklist += [OR(KconfigCheck('reason_1', 'decision_1', 'NAME_1', 'expected_1'),
VersionCheck((41, 101)))]
config_checklist += [AND(KconfigCheck('reason_2', 'decision_2', 'NAME_2', 'expected_2'),
VersionCheck((44, 1)))]
config_checklist += [AND(KconfigCheck('reason_3', 'decision_3', 'NAME_3', 'expected_3'),
VersionCheck((42, 44)))]
config_checklist += [OR(KconfigCheck('reason_4', 'decision_4', 'NAME_4', 'expected_4'),
VersionCheck((42, 43)))]
# 2. prepare the parsed kconfig options
parsed_kconfig_options = OrderedDict()
parsed_kconfig_options['CONFIG_NAME_2'] = 'expected_2'
parsed_kconfig_options['CONFIG_NAME_3'] = 'expected_3'
# 3. prepare the kernel version
kernel_version = (42, 43)
# 4. run the engine
result = []
self.run_engine(config_checklist, parsed_kconfig_options, None, kernel_version, result)
# 5. check that the results are correct
[["CONFIG_NAME_1", "kconfig", "expected_1", "decision_1", "reason_1", "OK: version >= 41.101"],
["CONFIG_NAME_2", "kconfig", "expected_2", "decision_2", "reason_2", "FAIL: version < 44.1"],
["CONFIG_NAME_3", "kconfig", "expected_3", "decision_3", "reason_3", "FAIL: version < 42.44"],
["CONFIG_NAME_4", "kconfig", "expected_4", "decision_4", "reason_4", "OK: version >= 42.43"]]
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