Commit 6403536a by anthraxx Committed by Alexander Popov

improve architecture in preparation for new features

This improves the opt storage using a kconfig key based dict to
avoid looping through all opts to get a certain entry by allowing
key based lookups.
parent 987a7f63
......@@ -17,17 +17,38 @@
# kernel.kptr_restrict=1
import sys
from collections import namedtuple
from argparse import ArgumentParser
from collections import OrderedDict
import re
debug_mode = False # set it to True to print the unknown options from the config
error_count = 0
opt_list = []
Opt = namedtuple('Opt', ['name', 'state', 'decision', 'reason'])
def construct_opt_list():
class Opt:
def __init__(self, name, expected, decision, reason): = name
self.expected = expected
self.decision = decision
self.reason = reason
self.state = None
def check(self):
global error_count
# check parsed state against expected state
if self.expected == self.state:
return True, 'OK'
if self.expected == 'is not set' and self.state == 'not found':
return True, 'OK: not found'
error_count += 1
return False, 'FAIL: "' + self.state + '"'
def __repr__(self):
return '{} = {}'.format(, self.state)
def construct_opt_checks():
opt_list.append([Opt('BUG', 'y', 'ubuntu18', 'self_protection'), ''])
opt_list.append([Opt('PAGE_TABLE_ISOLATION', 'y', 'ubuntu18', 'self_protection'), ''])
opt_list.append([Opt('RETPOLINE', 'y', 'ubuntu18', 'self_protection'), ''])
......@@ -132,12 +153,12 @@ def construct_opt_list():
opt_list.append([Opt('LKDTM', 'm', 'my', 'feature_test'), ''])
def print_opt_list():
def print_opt_checks():
print('[+] Printing kernel hardening preferences...')
print(' {:<39}|{:^13}|{:^10}|{:^20}'.format('option name', 'desired val', 'decision', 'reason'))
print(' ======================================================================================')
for o in opt_list:
print(' CONFIG_{:<32}|{:^13}|{:^10}|{:^20}'.format(o[0].name, o[0].state, o[0].decision, o[0].reason))
print(' CONFIG_{:<32}|{:^13}|{:^10}|{:^20}'.format(o[0].name, o[0].expected, o[0].decision, o[0].reason))
......@@ -147,71 +168,59 @@ def print_check_results():
print(' {:<39}|{:^13}|{:^10}|{:^20}||{:^20}'.format('option name', 'desired val', 'decision', 'reason', 'check result'))
print(' ===========================================================================================================')
for o in opt_list:
if o[1] == '':
if o[0].state == 'is not set':
o[1] = 'OK: not found'
error_count += 1
o[1] = 'FAIL: not found'
print(' CONFIG_{:<32}|{:^13}|{:^10}|{:^20}||{:^20}'.format(o[0].name, o[0].state, o[0].decision, o[0].reason, o[1]))
print(' CONFIG_{:<32}|{:^13}|{:^10}|{:^20}||{:^20}'.format(o[0].name, o[0].expected, o[0].decision, o[0].reason, o[1]))
def check_state(option):
global error_count
found = False
for o in opt_list:
if option[0] == o[0].name:
found = True
if o[1] != '':
sys.exit('[!] BUG: CONFIG_{} was found more than once'.format(o[0].name))
if option[1] == o[0].state:
o[1] = 'OK'
o[1] = 'FAIL: "' + option[1] + '"'
error_count += 1
def get_option_state(options, name):
return options[name] if name in options else 'not found'
if not found and debug_mode:
print("DEBUG: dunno about option {} ".format(option))
def check_state(options):
for o in opt_list:
opt = o[0]
if o[1] != '':
sys.exit('[!] BUG: CONFIG_{} was found more than once'.format(o[0].name))
opt.state = get_option_state(options,
_, o[1] = opt.check()
def check_on(line):
if line[:7] != 'CONFIG_':
sys.exit('[!] BUG: bad enabled config option "{}"'.format(line))
line_parts = line[7:].split('=')
def check_config_file(fname):
with open(fname, 'r') as f:
parsed_options = OrderedDict()
opt_is_on = re.compile("CONFIG_[a-zA-Z0-9_]*=[a-zA-Z0-9_\"]*")
opt_is_off = re.compile("# CONFIG_[a-zA-Z0-9_]* is not set")
def check_off(line):
if line[:9] != '# CONFIG_':
sys.exit('[!] BUG: bad disabled config option "{}"'.format(line))
print('[+] Checking "{}" against hardening preferences...'.format(fname))
for line in f.readlines():
line = line.strip()
line_parts = line[9:].split(' ', 1)
if opt_is_on.match(line):
if line[:7] != 'CONFIG_':
sys.exit('[!] BUG: bad enabled config option "{}"'.format(line))
if line_parts[1] != 'is not set':
sys.exit('[!] BUG: bad disabled config option "{}"'.format(line))
config, value = line[7:].split('=', 1)
parsed_options[config] = value
elif opt_is_off.match(line):
if line[:9] != '# CONFIG_':
sys.exit('[!] BUG: bad disabled config option "{}"'.format(line))
config, value = line[9:].split(' ', 1)
if value != 'is not set':
sys.exit('[!] BUG: bad disabled config option "{}"'.format(line))
if config in parsed_options:
sys.exit('[!] ERROR: config option "{}" exists multiple times'.format(line))
def check_config_file(fname):
f = open(fname, 'r')
parsed_options[config] = value
print('[+] Checking "{}" against hardening preferences...'.format(fname))
for line in f:
opt_is_on = re.compile("CONFIG_[a-zA-Z0-9_]*=[a-zA-Z0-9_\"]*")
opt_is_off = re.compile("# CONFIG_[a-zA-Z0-9_]* is not set")
if opt_is_on.match(line):
check_on(line[:-1]) # drop newline
if opt_is_off.match(line):
check_off(line[:-1]) # ditto
if debug_mode:
opt_list_names = [opt[0].name for opt in opt_list]
for option in filter(lambda option: option not in opt_list_names, parsed_options.keys()):
print("DEBUG: dunno about option {} ".format(option))
if __name__ == '__main__':
......@@ -221,10 +230,10 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
parser.add_argument('--debug', action='store_true', help='enable internal debug mode')
args = parser.parse_args()
if args.print:
if args.debug:
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