Commit 555b588e by Alexander Popov

Implement AND ComplexOptCheck

Use case: AND(<suboption>, <main_option>).
Suboption is not checked if checking of the main_option is failed.

It's needed to solve issue #13.
parent 5b88ee08
......@@ -116,6 +116,24 @@ class OR(ComplexOptCheck):
return False, self.result
class AND(ComplexOptCheck):
# self.opts[0] is the option which this AND-check is about.
# Use case: AND(<suboption>, <main_option>)
# Suboption is not checked if checking of the main_option is failed.
def check(self):
for i, opt in reversed(list(enumerate(self.opts))):
ret, msg = opt.check()
if i == 0:
self.result = opt.result
return ret, self.result
elif not ret:
# The requirement is not met. Skip the check.
return False, ''
sys.exit('[!] ERROR: invalid AND check')
def detect_arch(fname):
with open(fname, 'r') as f:
arch_pattern = re.compile("CONFIG_[a-zA-Z0-9_]*=y")
......@@ -321,8 +339,9 @@ def print_check_results():
'option name', 'desired val', 'decision', 'reason', 'check result'))
print(' ' + '=' * 115)
for opt in checklist:
print(' CONFIG_{:<32}|{:^13}|{:^10}|{:^20}||{:^28}'.format(, opt.expected, opt.decision, opt.reason, opt.result))
if opt.result:
print(' CONFIG_{:<32}|{:^13}|{:^10}|{:^20}||{:^28}'.format(, opt.expected, opt.decision, opt.reason, opt.result))
......@@ -398,7 +417,7 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
error_count = len(list(filter(lambda opt: opt.result.startswith('FAIL'), checklist)))
error_count = len(list(filter(lambda opt: opt.result and opt.result.startswith('FAIL'), checklist)))
if debug_mode:
if error_count == 0:
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