Commit 4def5a25 by Alexander Popov

Drop useless checks, the ComplexOptCheck constructor has already checked this

parent 6734f7a3
......@@ -240,8 +240,6 @@ class OR(ComplexOptCheck):
# OR(<X_is_hardened>, <X_is_disabled>)
# OR(<X_is_hardened>, <old_X_is_hardened>)
def check(self):
if not self.opts:
sys.exit('[!] ERROR: invalid OR check')
for i, opt in enumerate(self.opts):
if opt.result.startswith('OK'):
......@@ -287,7 +285,6 @@ class AND(ComplexOptCheck):
if not opt.result.startswith('FAIL: version'):
sys.exit('[!] ERROR: unexpected FAIL description "{}"'.format(opt.result))
sys.exit('[!] ERROR: invalid AND check')
def detect_arch(fname, archs):
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