Commit 2136dcfa by Alexander Popov

Run the functional tests and collect the coverage in Woodpecker-CI

parent b266de5d
set -x
set -e
echo "Beginning of the functional tests"
echo ">>>>> get help <<<<<"
coverage run -a --branch bin/kconfig-hardened-check
coverage run -a --branch bin/kconfig-hardened-check -h
echo ">>>>> get version <<<<<"
coverage run -a --branch bin/kconfig-hardened-check --version
echo ">>>>> print the security hardening preferences <<<<<"
coverage run -a --branch bin/kconfig-hardened-check -p X86_64
coverage run -a --branch bin/kconfig-hardened-check -p X86_64 -m verbose
coverage run -a --branch bin/kconfig-hardened-check -p X86_64 -m json
coverage run -a --branch bin/kconfig-hardened-check -p X86_32
coverage run -a --branch bin/kconfig-hardened-check -p X86_32 -m verbose
coverage run -a --branch bin/kconfig-hardened-check -p X86_32 -m json
coverage run -a --branch bin/kconfig-hardened-check -p ARM64
coverage run -a --branch bin/kconfig-hardened-check -p ARM64 -m verbose
coverage run -a --branch bin/kconfig-hardened-check -p ARM64 -m json
coverage run -a --branch bin/kconfig-hardened-check -p ARM
coverage run -a --branch bin/kconfig-hardened-check -p ARM -m verbose
coverage run -a --branch bin/kconfig-hardened-check -p ARM -m json
echo ">>>>> check the example kconfig files and cmdline <<<<<"
cat /proc/cmdline
echo "l1tf=off mds=full randomize_kstack_offset=on iommu.passthrough=0" > ./cmdline_example
cat ./cmdline_example
CONFIG_DIR=`find . -name config_files`
KCONFIGS=`find $CONFIG_DIR -type f | grep -e "\.config" -e "\.gz"`
for C in $KCONFIGS
COUNT=$(expr $COUNT + 1)
echo "\n>>>>> checking kconfig number $COUNT <<<<<"
coverage run -a --branch bin/kconfig-hardened-check -c $C > /dev/null
coverage run -a --branch bin/kconfig-hardened-check -c $C -m verbose > /dev/null
coverage run -a --branch bin/kconfig-hardened-check -c $C -l /proc/cmdline > /dev/null
coverage run -a --branch bin/kconfig-hardened-check -c $C -l ./cmdline_example > /dev/null
coverage run -a --branch bin/kconfig-hardened-check -c $C -l ./cmdline_example -m verbose > /dev/null
coverage run -a --branch bin/kconfig-hardened-check -c $C -l ./cmdline_example -m json > /dev/null
coverage run -a --branch bin/kconfig-hardened-check -c $C -l ./cmdline_example -m show_ok > /dev/null
coverage run -a --branch bin/kconfig-hardened-check -c $C -l ./cmdline_example -m show_fail > /dev/null
echo "\n>>>>> have checked $COUNT kconfigs <<<<<"
echo "Collect coverage for error handling"
echo ">>>>> lonely -l <<<<<"
! coverage run -a --branch bin/kconfig-hardened-check -l /proc/cmdline
echo ">>>>> wrong modes for -p <<<<<"
! coverage run -a --branch bin/kconfig-hardened-check -p X86_64 -m show_ok
! coverage run -a --branch bin/kconfig-hardened-check -p X86_64 -m show_fail
echo ">>>>> -p and -c together <<<<<"
! coverage run -a --branch bin/kconfig-hardened-check -p X86_64 -c kconfig_hardened_check/config_files/distros/fedora_34.config
cp kconfig_hardened_check/config_files/distros/fedora_34.config ./test.config
echo ">>>>> no kernel version <<<<<"
sed '3d' test.config > error.config
! coverage run -a --branch bin/kconfig-hardened-check -c error.config
echo ">>>>> strange kernel version string <<<<<"
sed '3 s/5./version 5./' test.config > error.config
! coverage run -a --branch bin/kconfig-hardened-check -c error.config
echo ">>>>> no arch <<<<<"
sed '305d' test.config > error.config
! coverage run -a --branch bin/kconfig-hardened-check -c error.config
echo ">>>>> more than one arch <<<<<"
cp test.config error.config
echo 'CONFIG_ARM64=y' >> error.config
! coverage run -a --branch bin/kconfig-hardened-check -c error.config
echo ">>>>> invalid disabled kconfig option <<<<<"
sed '28 s/is not set/is not set yet/' test.config > error.config
! coverage run -a --branch bin/kconfig-hardened-check -c error.config
echo ">>>>> invalid enabled kconfig option <<<<<"
cp test.config error.config
echo 'CONFIG_FOO=is not set' >> error.config
! coverage run -a --branch bin/kconfig-hardened-check -c error.config
echo ">>>>> one config option multiple times <<<<<"
cp test.config error.config
echo 'CONFIG_BUG=y' >> error.config
! coverage run -a --branch bin/kconfig-hardened-check -c error.config
echo ">>>>> invalid compiler versions <<<<<"
cp test.config error.config
sed '8 s/CONFIG_CLANG_VERSION=0/CONFIG_CLANG_VERSION=120000/' test.config > error.config
! coverage run -a --branch bin/kconfig-hardened-check -c error.config
echo ">>>>> multi-line cmdline file <<<<<"
echo 'hey man 1' > cmdline
echo 'hey man 2' >> cmdline
! coverage run -a --branch bin/kconfig-hardened-check -c test.config -l cmdline
echo "The end of the functional tests"
......@@ -16,7 +16,17 @@ pipeline:
- kconfig-hardened-check
- echo "Check all configs with the installed tool..."
- CONFIG_DIR=`find /usr/local/lib/ -name config_files`
- KCONFIGS=`find $CONFIG_DIR -type f | grep "\.config"`
- KCONFIGS=`find $CONFIG_DIR -type f | grep -e "\.config" -e "\.gz"`
- for C in $KCONFIGS; do COUNT=$(expr $COUNT + 1); echo ">>>>> checking kconfig number $COUNT <<<<<"; kconfig-hardened-check -c $C -l /proc/cmdline; done
- echo ">>>>> have checked $COUNT kconfigs <<<<<"
image: python:3
pull: true
- echo "Install the coverage tool..."
- python --version
- pip install --no-cache-dir coverage
- echo "Run the functional tests and collect the coverage..."
- sh .github/workflows/
- coverage report
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