Commit 03897445 by Jörg Thalheim Committed by Alexander Popov

add default.nix for installation via nix

Allows installation via nix from the repository itself
on NixOS and other Linux distribution that have Nix (i.e. Archlinux/Debian).

$ nix-build
$ ./result/bin/kconfig-hardened-check
$ nix-env -f . -i

It also provides an development environment for `nix-shell` with setuptools and
python in path

$ nix-shell
parent 3f293bca
{ pkgs ? (import <nixpkgs> {}) }:
with pkgs;
pkgs.python3.pkgs.buildPythonPackage {
name = "kconfig-hardend-check";
src = ./.;
SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH = "1523278946";
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