Commit 50575894 by dorpvom

fixed IP bug

parent 83839822
......@@ -135,7 +135,7 @@
\section{IPs and URIs}
\BLOCK{for selected_analysis in analysis['ip_and_uri_finder']['summary'] | triplet}
\BLOCK{for selected_analysis in analysis['ip_and_uri_finder']['summary'] | aggregate_ip_stats}
......@@ -5,6 +5,8 @@ from time import localtime, strftime
from random import choice
import socket
from typing import List
import jinja2
from common_helper_files import human_readable_file_size
......@@ -163,32 +165,42 @@ def _order_components(software, ver_number):
return software, ver_number
def get_triples(analysis):
combined_triples = []
for desired in ['IPv4', 'IPv6', 'URI ']:
combined_triples.append(_get_desired_triple(analysis, desired))
return combined_triples
def aggregate_ip_stats(summary_of_ip_analysis: dict) -> List[str]:
uris, ipv4s, ipv6s = _sort_ip_analysis_results(summary_of_ip_analysis)
return [
_aggregate_ip_class(ipv4s, 'IPv4'),
_aggregate_ip_class(ipv6s, 'IPv6'),
_aggregate_ip_class(uris, 'URI'),
def _aggregate_ip_class(elements_of_ip_class, ip_class):
if not elements_of_ip_class:
return f'0}}{{{ip_class}\\quad$\\>$'
return (
f'{len(elements_of_ip_class)}}}{{{ip_class}\\quad$\\>$ '
f'(incl. {replace_special_characters(_find_short_element(elements_of_ip_class, 50))})'
def _get_desired_triple(selected_summary, which_desired):
desired_list = _ip_or_uri(selected_summary, which_desired)
chosen_one = 'x x' * 60
while len(chosen_one) > 50:
chosen_one = choice(desired_list)
return f'{len(desired_list)}}}{{{which_desired}\\quad$\\>$ (incl. {replace_special_characters(chosen_one)})'
def _find_short_element(elements_of_ip_class, max_length):
for element in elements_of_ip_class:
if len(element) <= max_length:
return element
return elements_of_ip_class[0][:51]
def _ip_or_uri(summary, which_select):
new_list = []
for data in summary:
if ('URI ' in which_select and not _validate_ip(data, socket.AF_INET) and not _validate_ip(data,
elif 'IPv4' in which_select and _validate_ip(data, socket.AF_INET):
elif 'IPv6' in which_select and _validate_ip(data, socket.AF_INET6):
return new_list
def _sort_ip_analysis_results(summary_of_ip_analysis):
uris, ipv4s, ipv6s = [], [], []
for element in summary_of_ip_analysis:
if not _validate_ip(element, socket.AF_INET) and not _validate_ip(element, socket.AF_INET6):
elif _validate_ip(element, socket.AF_INET):
return uris, ipv4s, ipv6s
def _validate_ip(ip, address_format):
......@@ -226,7 +238,7 @@ def _add_filters_to_jinja(environment):
environment.filters['sort'] = sorted
environment.filters['call_for_mitigations'] = exploit_mitigation
environment.filters['split_space'] = software_components
environment.filters['triplet'] = get_triples
environment.filters['aggregate_ip_stats'] = aggregate_ip_stats
environment.filters['x_entries'] = get_x_entries
environment.filters['cve_crits'] = cve_criticals
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