Commit 2bddb69a by lwilms

apply suggestions & rename functions

parent e1afb38c
......@@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ def create_jinja_environment(templates_to_use='default'):
def get_five_longest_entries(summary, top=5):
sorted_summary = dict()
if len(summary) < top+1:
if len(summary) < top + 1:
return summary
for key in sorted(summary, key=lambda key: len(summary[key]), reverse=True):
sorted_summary.update({key: summary[key]})
......@@ -95,10 +95,10 @@ def get_five_longest_entries(summary, top=5):
def exploit_mitigation(summary):
summary = summary['exploit_mitigations']['summary']
max_count = count_mitigations(summary)
max_count = _count_mitigations(summary)
numbers = dict()
for key in ['PIE', 'RELRO', 'Canary', 'NX', 'FORTIFY']:
numbers[key] = count_occurrences(key, summary)
numbers[key] = _count_occurrences(key, summary)
return (
f'{{CANARY/{numbers["Canary"] / max_count}}},{{PIE/{numbers["PIE"] / max_count}}},'
f'{{RELRO/{numbers["RELRO"] / max_count}}},{{NX/{numbers["NX"] / max_count}}},'
......@@ -106,7 +106,7 @@ def exploit_mitigation(summary):
def count_occurrences(key, summary):
def _count_occurrences(key, summary):
return sum(
for entry in summary
......@@ -114,15 +114,15 @@ def count_occurrences(key, summary):
def count_mitigations(summary):
def _count_mitigations(summary):
for mitigation in ['Canary', 'NX', 'RELRO', 'PIE', 'FORTIFY']:
count = count_this_mitigation(summary, mitigation)
count = _count_this_mitigation(summary, mitigation)
if count != 0:
return count
return count
def count_this_mitigation(summary, mitigation):
def _count_this_mitigation(summary, mitigation):
count = 0
for selected_summary in summary:
if mitigation in selected_summary:
......@@ -134,26 +134,26 @@ def software_components(software_string):
software = software_string
ver_number = ''
if ' ' in software_string:
splitted_software_string = software_string.split(' ')
if len(splitted_software_string) > 2:
software, ver_number = larger_two_components(splitted_software_string)
elif len(splitted_software_string[1]) > 0:
software, ver_number = less_three_components(splitted_software_string)
split_software_string = software_string.split(' ')
if len(split_software_string) > 2:
software, ver_number = _larger_two_components(split_software_string)
elif len(split_software_string[1]) > 0:
software, ver_number = _less_three_components(split_software_string)
return f'{ver_number}}}{{{software}'
def less_three_components(software_string):
def _less_three_components(software_string):
software, ver_number = software_string
except ValueError:
return ver_number, software
return software, ver_number
return _order_components(software, ver_number)
def larger_two_components(software_string):
def _larger_two_components(software_string):
software = ''.join(software_string[:-1])
ver_number = software_string[-1]
return _order_components(software, ver_number)
def _order_components(software, ver_number):
except ValueError:
......@@ -164,19 +164,19 @@ def larger_two_components(software_string):
def get_triples(analysis):
combined_triples = []
for desired in ['IPv4', 'IPv6', 'URI ']:
combined_triples.append(get_desired_triple(analysis, desired))
combined_triples.append(_get_desired_triple(analysis, desired))
return combined_triples
def get_desired_triple(seleced_summary, which_desired):
desired_list = ip_or_uri(seleced_summary, which_desired)
def _get_desired_triple(seleced_summary, which_desired):
desired_list = _ip_or_uri(seleced_summary, which_desired)
chosen_one = 'x x' * 60
while len(chosen_one) > 50:
chosen_one = choice(desired_list)
return f'{len(desired_list)}}}{{{which_desired}\\quad$\\>$ (incl. {replace_special_characters(chosen_one)})'
def ip_or_uri(summary, which_select):
def _ip_or_uri(summary, which_select):
new_list = []
for data in summary:
if ('URI ' in which_select and not _validate_ip(data, socket.AF_INET) and not _validate_ip(data,
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