Commit 0df12da0 by lwilms

max 10 software

parent fe40bed6
......@@ -85,11 +85,15 @@
\BLOCK{for summary in analysis['software_components']['summary'] | sort}
\BLOCK{for summary in analysis['software_components']['summary'] | sort | x_entires}
\twentyitemshort{\VAR{summary | split_space}}
\BLOCK{if analysis['software_components']['summary'] | elements_count > 10}
\twentyitemshort{}{and \VAR{analysis['software_components']['summary'] | elements_count - 10} others}
% ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
% IP & URI
% ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
......@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ def replace_special_characters(data):
latex_character_escapes = OrderedDict()
latex_character_escapes['\\'] = ''
latex_character_escapes['\''] = ''
latex_character_escapes['/'] = ' '
latex_character_escapes['/'] = '/'
latex_character_escapes['$'] = '\\$'
latex_character_escapes['('] = '$($'
latex_character_escapes[')'] = '$)$'
......@@ -215,14 +215,15 @@ def get_desired_triple(seleced_summary, which_desired):
chosen_one = 'x x' * 60
while len(chosen_one) > 50:
chosen_one = choice(desired_list)
return '{2}{1}{0}{3}{4} {5}'.format('{', '}', len(desired_list), which_desired, '\quad' * 5,
return '{2}{1}{0}{3}{4}$\>$ (incl. {5})'.format('{', '}', len(desired_list), which_desired, '\quad',
def ip_or_uri(summary, which_select):
new_list = []
for data in summary:
if ('URI ' in which_select and not _validate_ip(data, socket.AF_INET) and not _validate_ip(data, socket.AF_INET6)):
if ('URI ' in which_select and not _validate_ip(data, socket.AF_INET) and not _validate_ip(data,
elif 'IPv4' in which_select and _validate_ip(data, socket.AF_INET):
......@@ -231,7 +232,6 @@ def ip_or_uri(summary, which_select):
return new_list
# imported from ip & uri
def _validate_ip(ip, address_format):
_ = socket.inet_pton(address_format, ip)
......@@ -240,6 +240,13 @@ def _validate_ip(ip, address_format):
return False
def get_x_entries(summary, how_many=10):
if len(summary) <= how_many:
return summary
return summary[:how_many]
def _add_filters_to_jinja(environment):
environment.filters['number_format'] = render_number_as_size
environment.filters['nice_unix_time'] = render_unix_time
......@@ -258,6 +265,7 @@ def _add_filters_to_jinja(environment):
environment.filters['call_for_mitigations'] = exploit_mitigation
environment.filters['split_space'] = software_components
environment.filters['triplet'] = get_triples
environment.filters['x_entires'] = get_x_entries
class TemplateEngine:
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