Unverified Commit e82c19ce by Enkelmann Committed by GitHub

Refactored fixpoint modules (#77)

parent 281a0207
This module implements a generic fixpoint algorithm for dataflow analysis.
A fixpoint problem is defined as a graph where:
- Each node `n` gets assigned a value `val(n)` where the set of all values forms a partially ordered set.
- Each edge `e` defines a rule `e:value -> value` how to compute the value at the end node given the value at the start node of the edge.
A fixpoint is an assignment of values to all nodes of the graph so that for all edges
`e(val(start_node)) <= val(end_node)` holds.
For general information on dataflow analysis using fixpoint algorithms see [Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Data-flow_analysis).
Or open an issue on github that you want more documentation here. :-)
//! Creating and computing generic fixpoint computations.
//! For general information on dataflow analysis using fixpoint algorithms see [Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Data-flow_analysis).
//! # General implementation notes
//! A fixpoint problem is defined as a graph where:
//! - Each node `n` gets assigned a value `val(n)` where the set of all values forms a partially ordered set.
//! - Each edge `e` defines a rule `e:value -> value` how to compute the value at the end node given the value at the start node of the edge.
//! A fixpoint is reached if an assignment of values to all nodes of the graph is found
//! so that for all edges `e(val(start_node)) <= val(end_node)` holds.
//! Usually one wants to find the smallest fixpoint,
//! i.e. a fixpoint such that for each node `n` the value `val(n)` is as small as possible (with respect to the partial order)
//! but also not less than a given starting value.
//! As in the `graph` module, nodes are assumed to represent points in time,
//! whereas edges represent state transitions or (artificial) information flow channels.
//! In particular, only edges have transition functions and not nodes.
//! In the current implementation edge transition functions are also allowed to return `None`
//! to indicate that no information flows through the edge.
//! For example, an analysis can use this to indicate edges that are never taken
//! and thus prevent dead code to affect the analysis.
//! # How to compute the solution to a fixpoint problem
//! To create a fixpoint computation one needs an object implementing the `Context` trait.
//! This object contains all information necessary to compute fixpoints,
//! like the graph or how to compute transition functions,
//! but not the actual starting values of a fixpoint computation.
//! With it, create a `Computation` object and then modify the node values through the object
//! to match the intended starting conditions of the fixpoint computation.
//! The `Computation` object also contains methods to actually run the fixpoint computation after the starting values are set
//! and methods to retrieve the results of the computation.
use fnv::FnvHashMap;
use petgraph::graph::{DiGraph, EdgeIndex, NodeIndex};
use petgraph::visit::EdgeRef;
use std::collections::{BTreeMap, BinaryHeap};
/// A fixpoint problem defines the context for a fixpoint computation.
/// The context of a fixpoint computation.
/// All trait methods have access to the FixpointProblem structure, so that context informations are accessible through it.
pub trait Problem {
pub trait Context {
/// the type of edge labels of the underlying graph
type EdgeLabel: Clone;
/// the type of node labels of the underlying graph
type NodeLabel;
/// The type of the value that gets assigned to each node.
/// The values should form a partially ordered set.
type NodeValue: PartialEq + Eq;
/// Get the graph on which the fixpoint computation operates.
fn get_graph(&self) -> &DiGraph<Self::NodeLabel, Self::EdgeLabel>;
/// This function describes how to merge two values
......@@ -36,21 +63,41 @@ pub trait Problem {
fn update_edge(&self, value: &Self::NodeValue, edge: EdgeIndex) -> Option<Self::NodeValue>;
/// The computation struct contains an intermediate result of a fixpoint computation.
pub struct Computation<T: Problem> {
fp_problem: T,
node_priority_list: Vec<usize>, // maps a node index to its priority (higher priority nodes get stabilized first)
priority_to_node_list: Vec<NodeIndex>, // maps a priority to the corresponding node index
/// The computation struct contains an intermediate result of a fixpoint computation
/// and provides methods for continuing the fixpoint computation
/// or extracting the (intermediate or final) results.
/// # Usage
/// ```
/// let mut computation = Computation::new(context, optional_default_node_value);
/// // set starting node values with computation.set_node_value(..)
/// // ...
/// computation.compute();
/// // get the resulting node values
/// if let Some(node_value) = computation.get_node_value(node_index) {
/// // ...
/// };
/// ```
pub struct Computation<T: Context> {
fp_context: T,
/// maps a node index to its priority (higher priority nodes get stabilized first)
node_priority_list: Vec<usize>,
/// maps a priority to the corresponding node index
priority_to_node_list: Vec<NodeIndex>,
worklist: BinaryHeap<usize>,
default_value: Option<T::NodeValue>,
node_values: FnvHashMap<NodeIndex, T::NodeValue>,
impl<T: Problem> Computation<T> {
impl<T: Context> Computation<T> {
/// Create a new fixpoint computation from a fixpoint problem, the corresponding graph
/// and a default value for all nodes if one should exists.
pub fn new(fp_problem: T, default_value: Option<T::NodeValue>) -> Self {
let graph = fp_problem.get_graph();
pub fn new(fp_context: T, default_value: Option<T::NodeValue>) -> Self {
let graph = fp_context.get_graph();
// order the nodes in weak topological order
let sorted_nodes: Vec<NodeIndex> = petgraph::algo::kosaraju_scc(&graph)
......@@ -70,7 +117,7 @@ impl<T: Problem> Computation<T> {
Computation {
priority_to_node_list: sorted_nodes,
......@@ -97,7 +144,7 @@ impl<T: Problem> Computation<T> {
/// Merge the value at a node with some new value.
fn merge_node_value(&mut self, node: NodeIndex, value: T::NodeValue) {
if let Some(old_value) = self.node_values.get(&node) {
let merged_value = self.fp_problem.merge(&value, old_value);
let merged_value = self.fp_context.merge(&value, old_value);
if merged_value != *old_value {
self.set_node_value(node, merged_value);
......@@ -109,12 +156,12 @@ impl<T: Problem> Computation<T> {
/// Compute and update the value at the end node of an edge.
fn update_edge(&mut self, edge: EdgeIndex) {
let (start_node, end_node) = self
.expect("Edge not found");
if let Some(start_val) = self.node_values.get(&start_node) {
if let Some(new_end_val) = self.fp_problem.update_edge(start_val, edge) {
if let Some(new_end_val) = self.fp_context.update_edge(start_val, edge) {
self.merge_node_value(end_node, new_end_val);
......@@ -123,7 +170,7 @@ impl<T: Problem> Computation<T> {
/// Update all outgoing edges of a node.
fn update_node(&mut self, node: NodeIndex) {
let edges: Vec<EdgeIndex> = self
.map(|edge_ref| edge_ref.id())
......@@ -137,7 +184,7 @@ impl<T: Problem> Computation<T> {
/// Each node will be visited at most max_steps times.
/// If a node does not stabilize after max_steps visits, the end result will not be a fixpoint but only an intermediate result of a fixpoint computation.
pub fn compute_with_max_steps(&mut self, max_steps: u64) {
let mut steps = vec![0; self.fp_problem.get_graph().node_count()];
let mut steps = vec![0; self.fp_context.get_graph().node_count()];
while let Some(priority) = self.worklist.pop() {
let node = self.priority_to_node_list[priority];
if steps[node.index()] < max_steps {
......@@ -163,7 +210,12 @@ impl<T: Problem> Computation<T> {
/// Get a reference to the underlying graph
pub fn get_graph(&self) -> &DiGraph<T::NodeLabel, T::EdgeLabel> {
/// Get a reference to the underlying context object
pub fn get_context(&self) -> &T {
......@@ -171,11 +223,11 @@ impl<T: Problem> Computation<T> {
mod tests {
use super::*;
struct FPProblem {
struct FPContext {
graph: DiGraph<(), u64>,
impl Problem for FPProblem {
impl Context for FPContext {
type EdgeLabel = u64;
type NodeLabel = ();
type NodeValue = u64;
......@@ -207,7 +259,7 @@ mod tests {
graph.add_edge(NodeIndex::new(100), NodeIndex::new(0), 0);
let mut solution = Computation::new(FPProblem { graph }, None);
let mut solution = Computation::new(FPContext { graph }, None);
solution.set_node_value(NodeIndex::new(0), 0);
This module implements functions to generate (interprocedural) control flow graphs out of a program term.
//! Generate control flow graphs out of a program term.
//! The generated graphs follow some basic principles:
//! * **Nodes** denote specific (abstract) points in time during program execution,
//! i.e. information does not change on a node.
//! So a basic block itself is not a node,
//! but the points in time before and after execution of the basic block can be nodes.
//! * **Edges** denote either transitions between the points in time of their start and end nodes during program execution
//! or they denote (artificial) information flow between nodes. See the `CRCallStub` edges of interprocedural control flow graphs
//! for an example of an edge that is only meant for information flow and not actual control flow.
//! # General assumptions
//! The graph construction algorithm assumes
//! that each basic block of the program term ends with zero, one or two jump instructions.
//! In the case of two jump instructions the first one is a conditional jump
//! and the second one is an unconditional jump.
//! Conditional calls are not supported.
//! Missing jump instructions are supported to indicate incomplete information about the control flow,
//! i.e. points where the control flow reconstruction failed.
//! These points are converted to dead ends in the control flow graphs.
//! # Interprocedural control flow graph
//! The function [`get_program_cfg`](fn.get_program_cfg.html) builds an interprocedural control flow graph out of a program term as follows:
//! * Each basic block is converted into two nodes, *BlkStart* and *BlkEnd*,
//! and a *block* edge from *BlkStart* to *BlkEnd*.
//! * Jumps and calls inside the program are converted to *Jump* or *Call* edges from the *BlkEnd* node of their source
//! to the *BlkStart* node of their target (which is the first block of the target function in case of calls).
//! * Calls to library functions outside the program are converted to *ExternCallStub* edges
//! from the *BlkEnd* node of the callsite to the *BlkStart* node of the basic block the call returns to
//! (if the call returns at all).
//! * For each in-program call and corresponding return jump one node and three edges are generated:
//! * An artificial node *CallReturn*
//! * A *CRCallStub* edge from the *BlkEnd* node of the callsite to *CallReturn*
//! * A *CRReturnStub* edge from the *BlkEnd* node of the returning from block to *CallReturn*
//! * A *CRCombine* edge from *CallReturn* to the *BlkStart* node of the returned to block.
//! The artificial *CallReturn* nodes enable enriching the information flowing through a return edge
//! with information recovered from the corresponding callsite during a fixpoint computation.
use crate::prelude::*;
use crate::term::*;
use petgraph::graph::{DiGraph, NodeIndex};
use serde::Serialize;
use std::collections::{HashMap, HashSet};
/// The graph type of an interprocedural control flow graph
pub type Graph<'a> = DiGraph<Node<'a>, Edge<'a>>;
/// The node type of an interprocedural control flow graph
/// Each node carries a pointer to its associated block with it.
/// For `CallReturn`nodes the associated block is the callsite block (containing the call instruction)
/// and *not* the return block (containing the return instruction).
#[derive(Serialize, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Hash, Clone, Copy)]
pub enum Node<'a> {
BlkStart(&'a Term<Blk>),
BlkEnd(&'a Term<Blk>),
CallReturn(&'a Term<Blk>), // The block is the one from the call instruction
CallReturn(&'a Term<Blk>),
impl<'a> Node<'a> {
/// Get the block corresponding to the node.
pub fn get_block(&self) -> &'a Term<Blk> {
use Node::*;
match self {
......@@ -37,12 +79,14 @@ impl<'a> std::fmt::Display for Node<'a> {
// TODO: document that we assume that the graph only has blocks with either:
// - one unconditional call instruction
// - one return instruction
// - at most 2 intraprocedural jump instructions, i.e. at most one of them is a conditional jump
/// The node type of an interprocedural fixpoint graph
/// The edge type of an interprocedural fixpoint graph.
/// Where applicable the edge carries a reference to the corresponding jump instruction.
/// For `CRCombine` edges the corresponding jump is the call and not the return jump.
/// Intraprocedural jumps carry a second optional reference,
/// which is only set if the jump directly follows an conditional jump,
/// i.e. it represents the "conditional jump not taken" branch.
/// In this case the other jump reference points to the untaken conditional jump.
#[derive(Serialize, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Hash, Clone, Copy)]
pub enum Edge<'a> {
......@@ -59,12 +103,14 @@ struct GraphBuilder<'a> {
program: &'a Term<Program>,
extern_subs: HashSet<Tid>,
graph: Graph<'a>,
jump_targets: HashMap<Tid, (NodeIndex, NodeIndex)>, // Denotes the NodeIndices of possible jump targets
return_addresses: HashMap<Tid, Vec<(NodeIndex, NodeIndex)>>, // for each function the list of return addresses of the corresponding call sites
/// Denotes the NodeIndices of possible jump targets
jump_targets: HashMap<Tid, (NodeIndex, NodeIndex)>,
/// for each function the list of return addresses of the corresponding call sites
return_addresses: HashMap<Tid, Vec<(NodeIndex, NodeIndex)>>,
impl<'a> GraphBuilder<'a> {
/// create a new builder with an amtpy graph
/// create a new builder with an emtpy graph
pub fn new(program: &'a Term<Program>, extern_subs: HashSet<Tid>) -> GraphBuilder<'a> {
GraphBuilder {
......@@ -161,7 +207,7 @@ impl<'a> GraphBuilder<'a> {
let block: &'a Term<Blk> = self.graph[node].get_block();
let jumps = block.term.jmps.as_slice();
match jumps {
[] => (), // TODO: Decide whether blocks without jumps should be considered hard errors or (silent) dead ends
[] => (), // Blocks without jumps are dead ends corresponding to control flow reconstruction errors.
[jump] => self.add_jump_edge(node, jump, None),
[if_jump, else_jump] => {
self.add_jump_edge(node, if_jump, None);
......@@ -173,8 +219,8 @@ impl<'a> GraphBuilder<'a> {
/// For each return instruction and each corresponding call, add the following to the graph:
/// - a CallReturn node.
/// - edges from the callsite and from the returning-from-site to the CallReturn node
/// - an edge from the CallReturn node to the return-to-site
/// - edges from the callsite and from the returning-from site to the CallReturn node
/// - an edge from the CallReturn node to the return-to site
fn add_call_return_node_and_edges(
&mut self,
return_from_sub: &Term<Sub>,
......@@ -237,7 +283,7 @@ impl<'a> GraphBuilder<'a> {
/// This function builds the interprocedural control flow graph for a program term.
/// Build the interprocedural control flow graph for a program term.
pub fn get_program_cfg(program: &Term<Program>, extern_subs: HashSet<Tid>) -> Graph {
let builder = GraphBuilder::new(program, extern_subs);
......@@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ impl<'a> Context<'a> {
impl<'a> crate::analysis::interprocedural_fixpoint::Problem<'a> for Context<'a> {
impl<'a> crate::analysis::interprocedural_fixpoint::Context<'a> for Context<'a> {
type Value = State;
fn get_graph(&self) -> &Graph<'a> {
......@@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ impl<'a> crate::analysis::interprocedural_fixpoint::Problem<'a> for Context<'a>
fn update_def(&self, state: &Self::Value, def: &Term<Def>) -> Self::Value {
fn update_def(&self, state: &Self::Value, def: &Term<Def>) -> Option<Self::Value> {
// first check for use-after-frees
if state.contains_access_of_dangling_memory(&def.term.rhs) {
let warning = CweWarning {
......@@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ impl<'a> crate::analysis::interprocedural_fixpoint::Problem<'a> for Context<'a>
Expression::Store { .. } => {
let mut state = state.clone();
self.log_debug(state.handle_store_exp(&def.term.rhs), Some(&def.tid));
Expression::IfThenElse {
......@@ -120,14 +120,14 @@ impl<'a> crate::analysis::interprocedural_fixpoint::Problem<'a> for Context<'a>
match state.eval(condition) {
Ok(Data::Value(cond)) if !cond.is_top() => {
if cond == Bitvector::from_bit(true).into() {
} else if cond == Bitvector::from_bit(false).into() {
} else {
panic!("IfThenElse with wrong condition bitsize encountered")
Ok(_) => true_state.merge(&false_state),
Ok(_) => Some(true_state.merge(&false_state)),
Err(err) => panic!("IfThenElse-Condition evaluation failed: {}", err),
......@@ -137,7 +137,7 @@ impl<'a> crate::analysis::interprocedural_fixpoint::Problem<'a> for Context<'a>
new_state.handle_register_assign(&def.term.lhs, expression),
......@@ -147,6 +147,7 @@ impl<'a> crate::analysis::interprocedural_fixpoint::Problem<'a> for Context<'a>
value: &State,
_jump: &Term<Jmp>,
_untaken_conditional: Option<&Term<Jmp>>,
_target: &Term<Blk>,
) -> Option<State> {
// TODO: Implement some real specialization of conditionals!
let mut new_value = value.clone();
......@@ -159,7 +160,7 @@ impl<'a> crate::analysis::interprocedural_fixpoint::Problem<'a> for Context<'a>
state: &State,
call_term: &Term<Jmp>,
_target_node: &crate::analysis::graph::Node,
) -> State {
) -> Option<State> {
let call = if let JmpKind::Call(ref call) = call_term.term.kind {
} else {
......@@ -220,7 +221,7 @@ impl<'a> crate::analysis::interprocedural_fixpoint::Problem<'a> for Context<'a>
callee_state.ids_known_to_caller = callee_state.memory.get_all_object_ids();
} else {
panic!("Indirect call edges not yet supported.")
// TODO: Support indirect call edges!
......@@ -595,7 +596,7 @@ mod tests {
fn context_problem_implementation() {
use crate::analysis::interprocedural_fixpoint::Problem;
use crate::analysis::interprocedural_fixpoint::Context as IpFpContext;
use crate::analysis::pointer_inference::Data;
use crate::bil::*;
use Expression::*;
......@@ -632,10 +633,10 @@ mod tests {
// test update_def
state = context.update_def(&state, &def);
state = context.update_def(&state, &def).unwrap();
let stack_pointer = Data::Pointer(PointerDomain::new(new_id("main", "RSP"), bv(-16)));
assert_eq!(state.eval(&Var(register("RSP"))).unwrap(), stack_pointer);
state = context.update_def(&state, &store_term);
state = context.update_def(&state, &store_term).unwrap();
// Test update_call
let target_block = Term {
......@@ -647,7 +648,7 @@ mod tests {
let target_node = crate::analysis::graph::Node::BlkStart(&target_block);
let call = call_term("func");
let mut callee_state = context.update_call(&state, &call, &target_node);
let mut callee_state = context.update_call(&state, &call, &target_node).unwrap();
assert_eq!(callee_state.stack_id, new_id("func", "RSP"));
assert_eq!(callee_state.caller_stack_ids.len(), 1);
......@@ -763,7 +764,7 @@ mod tests {
fn update_return() {
use crate::analysis::interprocedural_fixpoint::Problem;
use crate::analysis::interprocedural_fixpoint::Context as IpFpContext;
use crate::analysis::pointer_inference::object::ObjectType;
use crate::analysis::pointer_inference::Data;
let project = mock_project();
......@@ -771,10 +772,12 @@ mod tests {
let (log_sender, _log_receiver) = crossbeam_channel::unbounded();
let context = Context::new(&project, cwe_sender, log_sender);
let state_before_return = State::new(&register("RSP"), Tid::new("callee"));
let mut state_before_return = context.update_def(
&reg_add_term("RSP", 8, "stack_offset_on_return_adjustment"),
let mut state_before_return = context
&reg_add_term("RSP", 8, "stack_offset_on_return_adjustment"),
let callsite_id = new_id("call_callee", "RSP");
......@@ -814,10 +817,12 @@ mod tests {
let state_before_call = State::new(&register("RSP"), Tid::new("original_caller_id"));
let mut state_before_call = context.update_def(
&reg_add_term("RSP", -16, "stack_offset_on_call_adjustment"),
let mut state_before_call = context
&reg_add_term("RSP", -16, "stack_offset_on_call_adjustment"),
let caller_caller_id = new_id("caller_caller", "RSP");
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