Unverified Commit cdb6359f by Enkelmann Committed by GitHub

Remove duplicate TIDs (#405)

parent 6804921c
......@@ -209,22 +209,85 @@ impl Project {
/// Remove blocks, defs and jumps with duplicate TIDs and return log messages on such cases.
/// Since such cases break the fundamental invariant that each TID is unique,
/// they result in errors if not removed.
/// Note that each case has a bug as a root cause.
/// This code is only a workaround so that before the corresponding bug is fixed
/// the rest of the binary can still be analyzed.
fn remove_duplicate_tids(&mut self) -> Vec<LogMessage> {
let mut known_tids = HashSet::new();
let mut errors = Vec::new();
for sub in self.program.term.subs.values_mut() {
if !known_tids.insert(sub.tid.clone()) {
panic!("Duplicate of TID {} encountered.", sub.tid);
let mut filtered_blocks = Vec::new();
for block in &sub.term.blocks {
if known_tids.insert(block.tid.clone()) {
} else {
"Removed duplicate of TID {}. This is a bug in the cwe_checker!",
sub.term.blocks = filtered_blocks;
for block in sub.term.blocks.iter_mut() {
let mut filtered_defs = Vec::new();
let mut filtered_jmps = Vec::new();
for def in &block.term.defs {
if known_tids.insert(def.tid.clone()) {
} else {
"Removed duplicate of TID {}. This is a Bug in the cwe_checker!",
for jmp in &block.term.jmps {
if known_tids.insert(jmp.tid.clone()) {
} else {
"Removed duplicate of TID {}. This is a Bug in the cwe_checker!",
block.term.defs = filtered_defs;
block.term.jmps = filtered_jmps;
/// Run some normalization passes over the project.
/// Passes:
/// - Remove duplicate TIDs.
/// This is a workaround for a bug in the P-Code-Extractor and should be removed once the bug is fixed.
/// - Replace jumps to nonexisting TIDs with jumps to artificial sink targets in the CFG.
/// Also replace return addresses of non-returning external symbols with artificial sink targets.
/// Also replace return addresses of non-returning external symbols with artificial sink targets.
/// - Duplicate blocks so that if a block is contained in several functions, each function gets its own unique copy.
/// - Propagate input expressions along variable assignments.
/// - Replace trivial expressions like `a XOR a` with their result.
/// - Remove dead register assignments.
/// - Propagate the control flow along chains of conditionals with the same condition.
/// - Substitute bitwise `AND` and `OR` operations with the stack pointer
/// in cases where the result is known due to known stack pointer alignment.
/// in cases where the result is known due to known stack pointer alignment.
pub fn normalize(&mut self) -> Vec<LogMessage> {
let mut logs =
let mut logs = self.remove_duplicate_tids();
&mut self.remove_references_to_nonexisting_tids_and_retarget_non_returning_calls(),
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