Unverified Commit c9bf376b by van den Bosch Committed by GitHub

CWE-190: added Pointer Inference results as basis for overflow detection. (#336)

parent 405c415b
......@@ -177,7 +177,7 @@ fn run_with_ghidra(args: &CmdlineArgs) {
let modules_depending_on_string_abstraction = BTreeSet::from_iter(["CWE78"]);
let modules_depending_on_pointer_inference =
BTreeSet::from_iter(["CWE119", "CWE134", "CWE416", "CWE476", "Memory"]);
BTreeSet::from_iter(["CWE119", "CWE134", "CWE416", "CWE476", "Memory", "CWE190"]);
let string_abstraction_needed = modules
......@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ mod trait_impl;
/// An abstract domain representing a set of base values plus offsets or an absolute value (or both).
/// The base values are represented as abstract IDs,
/// i.e. they are treated as variables with unknown absolute value.
/// i.e. they are treated as variables with unknown absolute value, e.g. the returned pointer by malloc.
/// For each base value the offset is given by an abstract domain `T`,
/// which should specialize in representing absolute values (e.g. an interval domain).
/// Note that the domain assumes pointer semantics for these values.
//! This module implements a check for CWE-190: Integer overflow or wraparound.
//! An integer overflow can lead to undefined behaviour and is especially dangerous
//! An integer overflow can lead to undefined behavior and is especially dangerous
//! in conjunction with memory management functions.
//! See <https://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/190.html> for a detailed description.
......@@ -10,7 +10,8 @@
//! For each call to a function from the CWE190 symbol list we check whether the
//! basic block directly before the call contains a multiplication instruction.
//! If one is found, the call gets flagged as a CWE hit, as there is no overflow
//! check corresponding to the multiplication before the call. The default CWE190
//! check corresponding to the multiplication before the call as well as
//! the Pointer Inference can not exclude an overflow. The default CWE190
//! symbol list contains the memory allocation functions *malloc*, *xmalloc*,
//! *calloc* and *realloc*. The list is configurable in config.json.
......@@ -19,8 +20,7 @@
//! - There is no check whether the result of the multiplication is actually used
//! as input to the function call. However, this does not seem to generate a lot
//! of false positives in practice.
//! - There is no value set analysis in place to determine whether an overflow is
//! possible or not at the specific instruction.
//! - Values that are not absolute e.g. user controlled or depend on other values.
//! ## False Negatives
......@@ -28,6 +28,12 @@
//! from the CWE190 symbol list.
//! - All integer overflows caused by addition or subtraction.
use crate::abstract_domain::AbstractDomain;
use crate::abstract_domain::DataDomain;
use crate::abstract_domain::IntervalDomain;
use crate::abstract_domain::RegisterDomain;
use crate::analysis::pointer_inference::*;
use crate::analysis::vsa_results::*;
use crate::intermediate_representation::*;
use crate::prelude::*;
use crate::utils::log::{CweWarning, LogMessage};
......@@ -97,6 +103,41 @@ fn generate_cwe_warning(callsite: &Tid, called_symbol: &ExternSymbol) -> CweWarn
/// Determines if all parameters are only absolute values and their included intervals are not top valued.
fn contains_top_value(pir: &PointerInference, jmp_tid: &Tid, parms: Vec<&Arg>) -> bool {
for arg in parms {
if let Some(value) = pir.eval_parameter_arg_at_call(jmp_tid, arg) {
if !contains_only_non_top_absolute_value(&value) {
return true;
/// Checks if the multiplication of element count and size parameters result in an overflow.
fn calloc_parm_mul_is_top(pir: &PointerInference, jmp_tid: &Tid, parms: Vec<&Arg>) -> bool {
if let (Some(nmeb), Some(size)) = (
pir.eval_parameter_arg_at_call(jmp_tid, parms[0]),
pir.eval_parameter_arg_at_call(jmp_tid, parms[1]),
) {
nmeb.bin_op(BinOpType::IntMult, &size);
return !contains_only_non_top_absolute_value(&nmeb);
/// Determines if the data domain only has absolute values and their included interval is not top valued.
fn contains_only_non_top_absolute_value(data_domain: &DataDomain<IntervalDomain>) -> bool {
if let Some(interval) = data_domain.get_if_absolute_value() {
if !interval.is_top() {
return true;
/// Run the CWE check.
/// For each call to one of the symbols configured in config.json
/// we check whether the block containing the call also contains a multiplication instruction.
......@@ -105,13 +146,32 @@ pub fn check_cwe(
cwe_params: &serde_json::Value,
) -> (Vec<LogMessage>, Vec<CweWarning>) {
let project = analysis_results.project;
let pointer_inference_results = analysis_results.pointer_inference.unwrap();
let config: Config = serde_json::from_value(cwe_params.clone()).unwrap();
let mut cwe_warnings = Vec::new();
let symbol_map = get_symbol_map(project, &config.symbols);
for sub in project.program.term.subs.values() {
for (block, jump, symbol) in get_callsites(sub, &symbol_map) {
if block_contains_multiplication(block) {
cwe_warnings.push(generate_cwe_warning(&jump.tid, symbol));
let parms = match symbol.name.as_str() {
"calloc" => {
if calloc_parm_mul_is_top(
vec![&symbol.parameters[0], &symbol.parameters[1]],
) {
cwe_warnings.push(generate_cwe_warning(&jump.tid, symbol));
vec![&symbol.parameters[0], &symbol.parameters[1]]
"realloc" => vec![&symbol.parameters[1]],
_ => symbol.parameters.iter().collect(),
if contains_top_value(pointer_inference_results, &jump.tid, parms) {
cwe_warnings.push(generate_cwe_warning(&jump.tid, symbol));
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