Unverified Commit a849f2ae by Enkelmann Committed by GitHub

set incident address to the jump and not the block for CWE476 (#80)

parent b73c61c1
......@@ -424,8 +424,8 @@ let print_hit (tid: Tid.t) ~(sub: Sub.t) ~(malloc_like_functions: String.t List.
| Direct(call_tid) -> Option.is_some (List.find malloc_like_functions ~f:(fun fn_name ->
if fn_name = (Tid.name call_tid) then
let address = Address_translation.translate_tid_to_assembler_address_string tid tid_map in
let tids = [Address_translation.tid_to_string tid] in
let address = Address_translation.translate_tid_to_assembler_address_string (Term.tid jmp) tid_map in
let tids = [Address_translation.tid_to_string (Term.tid jmp)] in
let description = sprintf
"(NULL Pointer Dereference) There is no check if the return value is NULL at %s (%s)."
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