Unverified Commit a15a5e12 by Enkelmann Committed by GitHub

Fix some intra-documentation links (#197)

parent c32b2807
......@@ -16,12 +16,13 @@
//! where 'char *dest' will contain the return value)
//! For instance:
//! ...
//! MOV RAX, qword ptr [RBP + local_10]
//! MOV RDI, RAX // RDI is the first input parameter for the strcat call and it points to [RBP + local_10]
//! CALL strcat
//! MOV RAX, qword ptr [RBP + local_10] // In the backwards analysis [RBP + local_10] will be tainted and it contains the return value
//! ...
//! ```txt
//! MOV RAX, qword ptr [RBP + local_10]
//! MOV RDI, RAX // RDI is the first input parameter for the strcat call and it points to [RBP + local_10]
//! CALL strcat
//! MOV RAX, qword ptr [RBP + local_10] // In the backwards analysis [RBP + local_10] will be tainted and it contains the return value
//! ```
//! ### Symbols configurable in config.json
......@@ -250,11 +251,12 @@ impl<'a> SymbolMaps<'a> {
/// - block_first_def_set:
/// - A set containing a given [`Def`] as the first `Def` of the block.
/// - A set containing a given [`Def`](crate::intermediate_representation::Def) as the first `Def` of the block.
/// The keys are of the form `(Def-TID, Current-Sub-TID)`
/// to distinguish the nodes for blocks contained in more than one function.
/// - block_start_last_def_map:
/// - A map to get the node index of the `BlkStart` node containing a given [`Def`] as the last `Def` of the block.
/// - A map to get the node index of the `BlkStart` node
/// containing a given [`Def`](crate::intermediate_representation::Def) as the last `Def` of the block.
/// The keys are of the form `(Def-TID, Current-Sub-TID)`
/// to distinguish the nodes for blocks contained in more than one function.
/// - jmp_to_blk_end_node_map:
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