Unverified Commit 1c409c56 by Enkelmann Committed by GitHub

Migrate the official Docker images to ghcr.io (#401)

parent 395f933c
***Important note:*** We recently decided to migrate from Dockerhub to the Github container registry.
If you are using our prebuilt Docker images, please remember to change the cwe_checker-image names from `fkiecad/cwe_checker` to `ghcr.io/fkie-cad/cwe_checker` in your scripts!
<p align="center">
<img src="doc/images/cwe_checker_logo.png" alt="cwe_checker logo" width="50%" height="50%"/>
......@@ -36,10 +39,10 @@ The following arguments should convince you to give *cwe_checker* a try:
### Using the docker image ###
The simplest way is to pull the latest Docker image from [dockerhub](https://hub.docker.com/r/fkiecad/cwe_checker):
- `docker pull fkiecad/cwe_checker:latest` yields an image based on the current master branch.
- `docker pull fkiecad/cwe_checker:stable` yields an image based on the latest stable release version.
- `docker pull fkiecad/cwe_checker:v0.6` yields an image based on the v0.6 stable release version.
The simplest way is to pull the latest Docker image from the [Github container registry](https://github.com/fkie-cad/cwe_checker/pkgs/container/cwe_checker):
- `docker pull ghcr.io/fkie-cad/cwe_checker:latest` yields an image based on the current master branch.
- `docker pull ghcr.io/fkie-cad/cwe_checker:stable` yields an image based on the latest stable release version.
- `docker pull ghcr.io/fkie-cad/cwe_checker:v0.6` yields an image based on the v0.6 stable release version.
However, it is recommended to switch to newer stable releases as soon as they get published, since improvements between stable versions can be quite significant.
If you want to build the docker image yourself, just run
......@@ -47,7 +50,7 @@ If you want to build the docker image yourself, just run
docker build -t cwe_checker .
This way you can also build native Docker images for ARM-based PCs (e.g. newer Apple Macs).
The prebuilt Docker images on dockerhub are currently only x86-based.
The prebuilt Docker images are currently only x86-based.
### Local installation ###
......@@ -66,7 +69,7 @@ and then outputs a list of CWE warnings that have been found during the analysis
If you use the official docker image, just run
docker run --rm -v /PATH/TO/BINARY:/input fkiecad/cwe_checker /input
docker run --rm -v /PATH/TO/BINARY:/input ghcr.io/fkie-cad/cwe_checker /input
If you installed the *cwe_checker* locally, run
......@@ -154,7 +157,7 @@ A special thanks goes out to the BAP community (especially the official gitter)
## License ##
Copyright (C) 2018 - Fraunhofer FKIE (firmware-security@fkie.fraunhofer.de)
Copyright (C) 2018 - 2023 Fraunhofer FKIE (firmware-security@fkie.fraunhofer.de)
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
......@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ cwe_checker BINARY
If you want to use the official docker image, you have to mount the input binary into the docker container, e.g.
docker run --rm -v $(pwd)/BINARY:/input fkiecad/cwe_checker /input
docker run --rm -v $(pwd)/BINARY:/input ghcr.io/fkie-cad/cwe_checker /input
One can modify the behaviour of the cwe_checker through the command line.
Use the `--help` command line option for more information.
......@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ and read the [check-specific documentation](crate::checkers) for more details ab
## For bare-metal binaries
The cwe_checker offers experimental support for analyzing bare-metal binaries.
For that one needs to provide a bare metal configuration file via the `--bare-metal-config` command line option.
For that, one needs to provide a bare metal configuration file via the `--bare-metal-config` command line option.
An example for such a configuration file can be found at `bare_metal/stm32f407vg.json`
(which was created and tested for an STM32F407VG MCU).
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