Commit a6f2d22f by Marten Ringwelski

Inline _rm_cr

parent dd46ab43
......@@ -40,14 +40,10 @@ def get_string_list_from_file(file_path: Union[str, Path]) -> List[str]:
raw = get_binary_from_file(file_path)
raw_string = raw.decode(encoding='utf-8', errors='replace')
cleaned_string = _rm_cr(raw_string)
cleaned_string = raw_string.replace('\r', '')
return cleaned_string.split('\n')
def _rm_cr(input_string):
return input_string.replace('\r', '')
def write_binary_to_file(file_binary: Union[str, bytes], file_path: Union[str, Path], overwrite: bool = False, file_copy: bool = False) -> None:
Fail-safe file write operation. Creates directories if needed.
......@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ from common_helper_files import (
create_symlink, delete_file, get_safe_name, get_binary_from_file, get_dir_of_file, get_directory_for_filename,
get_dirs_in_dir, get_files_in_dir, get_string_list_from_file, safe_rglob, write_binary_to_file
from common_helper_files.fail_safe_file_operations import _get_counted_file_path, _rm_cr
from common_helper_files.fail_safe_file_operations import _get_counted_file_path
TEST_DATA_DIR = Path(__file__).absolute().parent / 'data'
EMPTY_FOLDER = TEST_DATA_DIR / 'empty_folder'
......@@ -188,11 +188,3 @@ def test_safe_rglob_empty_dir():
assert EMPTY_FOLDER.exists()
result = safe_rglob(EMPTY_FOLDER)
assert len(list(result)) == 0
@pytest.mark.parametrize('input_data, expected', [
('abc', 'abc'),
('ab\r\nc', 'ab\nc'),
def test_rm_cr(input_data, expected):
assert _rm_cr(input_data) == expected
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