Commit b7a840e6 by Jörg Stucke

refactoring: replace old overlap function

parent 94c1be16
......@@ -16,27 +16,13 @@ from .version import __version__ as system_version
logger = logging.getLogger('CommonAnalysisIPAndURIFinder')
YARA_IS_NEW = parse_version(yara.YARA_VERSION) >= parse_version('4.3.0')
class FinderBase:
def get_strings_from_matches(self, matches):
result = []
for match in matches:
for item in URIFinder.eliminate_overlaps(match.strings):
return result
class FinderBase:
def _collect_strings(match: tuple[int, str, bytes] | yara.StringMatch) -> Iterable[str]:
if parse_version(yara.YARA_VERSION) >= parse_version('4.3.0'):
last_offset = -2
for instance in match.instances:
data = instance.matched_data.decode()
if instance.offset != last_offset + 1: # skip non-greedy overlaps
yield data
last_offset = instance.offset
else: # yara version < 4.3.0 -> strings are contained in the tuples at the third position
yield match[2].decode()
def get_strings_from_matches(matches):
return [string for match in matches for string in URIFinder.get_strings_without_overlaps(match.strings)]
def get_file_content(file_path):
......@@ -120,27 +106,39 @@ class URIFinder(FinderBase):
return self.find_uris(file_content)
def eliminate_overlaps(yara_match_strings):
""" yara matches contain overlaps
e.g. if the string contains
the results would be, and
def get_strings_without_overlaps(matches: list[tuple[int, str, bytes]] | list[yara.StringMatch]) -> Iterable[str]:
result = yara_match_strings[:]
for i in range(1, len(yara_match_strings)):
# if the matches are in direct succession
if yara_match_strings[i][0] - yara_match_strings[i - 1][0] == 1:
return result
yara matches contain overlaps e.g. if the string contains, the results would be, and
iter_function = _iter_match_instance if YARA_IS_NEW else _iter_tuples
last_offset = -2
for offset, string in iter_function(matches):
if offset != last_offset + 1: # skip non-greedy overlaps
yield string
last_offset = offset
class CommonAnalysisIPAndURIFinder(AnalysisPluginFile):
def _iter_match_instance(matches: list[yara.StringMatch]) -> Iterable[tuple[int, str]]:
# newer YARA versions use StringMatchInstance objects
# see
for match in matches:
for instance in match.instances:
yield instance.offset, instance.matched_data.decode()
def _iter_tuples(matches: list[tuple[int, str, bytes]]) -> Iterable[tuple[int, str]]:
for offset, _, string in matches:
yield offset, string.decode()
class CommonAnalysisIPAndURIFinder(AnalysisPluginFile):
def __init__(self, yara_uri_rules=None, yara_ip_rules=None):
super(CommonAnalysisIPAndURIFinder, self).__init__(system_version)
self._set_rule_file_pathes(yara_uri_rules, yara_ip_rules)
self._set_rule_file_paths(yara_uri_rules, yara_ip_rules)
def _set_rule_file_pathes(self, yara_uri_rules, yara_ip_rules):
def _set_rule_file_paths(self, yara_uri_rules, yara_ip_rules):
internal_signature_dir = os.path.join(get_dir_of_file(__file__), 'yara_rules')
if yara_ip_rules is None:
self.yara_ip_rules = os.path.join(internal_signature_dir, 'ip_rules.yara')
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